July 2008 www.metroplanning.org

Earlier this month, the Chicago Tribune published a front-page story criticizing the progress of Chicago’s “grand experiment,” the transformation of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA).

Where We Stand

The Metropolitan Planning Council’s advocacy of quality housing options for the city’s low-income and working families dates back to our inception in 1934, and continues today.  MPC is deeply involved in promoting the accountability and success of the city’s Plan for Transformation with the full range of stakeholders - including residents, developers, employers, civic and community organizations, and, of course, the CHA and other city agencies.  MPC took issue with the Tribune’s article, which failed to acknowledge either the historic progress that has been made, or the context for its critiques.

MPC firmly believes mixed-income housing - linked to reinvestment, good jobs, transit, schools, parks, and other services - is the best way to reverse decades of poverty and isolation for public housing residents.  Creating such healthy and thriving communities is a daunting endeavor, considering the challenges.  The Plan should be judged by its ability to improve people’s lives, not against an arbitrary timeline.

MPC’s response to the Chicago Tribune, co-authored by The Partnership for New Communities, is available online.

Project Progress Report

Transit Innovations through Bombardier Peer Exchange
In June, thanks to a two-year partnership with Bombardier, MPC led a delegation of transportation experts from New York, San Francisco, and Chicago to Stockholm, Sweden.  It was the first of a series of peer exchanges designed to generate new approaches to reducing gridlock and improving mobility and livability in our region, from some of the world’s brightest transit and land use minds. MPC selected leaders from regions and cities that have innovative traffic and transit solutions in place.  Stockholm was showcased because of a successful cordon pricing program in its central business district and its reinvestment in a range of travel options, from biking to buses. 

The first in a series of articles about Stockholm's innovative transportation network explores the city's bicycle use, which has more than doubled over the last 10 years.


MPC Headlines

A sampling of new articles on MPC’s Web site.

Reconnecting Neighborhoods is moving forward
Concerned citizens and community members are taking an active role in planning for improved transit and retail through Reconnecting Neighborhoods.

Visit the Reconnecting Neighborhoods web site >> 

MPC public housing forum introduces new partners in CHA’s Housing Choice Voucher program
The second Building Successful Mixed-Income Communities forum of 2008 explored the restructuring of CHA’s Housing Choice Voucher program.

Read about this and previous forums >>

A look at Bus Rapid Transit: Los Angeles Orange Line
LA’s BRT Orange Line improved passenger travel times by 15-25 percent over existing express bus service, inspiring Chicago’s plan for a 10-mile BRT pilot.

Read about the benefits of BRT >> 

New data quantifies benefits of employer-assisted housing
Analysis of Milwaukee hospital data shows EAH participants are long-term, high-performing employees; Milwaukee is one of ten cities around the U.S. that MPC is assisting with EAH strategies.

Visit REACH Illinois for further information on the many benefits of EAH >>

Empowering citizens for change: Placemaking comes to Chicago
MPC continues its partnership with the Project for Public Spaces on an exciting initiative to provide Chicago residents with the resources they need to redesign their neighborhoods for people, not cars.

Learn about MPC’s Placemaking project >>

Support Our Work

Transportation and Housing … are a family’s two largest household expenses, especially families that are struggling to make ends meet.  MPC is an innovator, a watchdog, a convener, an advocate, and a proponent of providing access to affordable transportation and housing options.  Please support these efforts by making a donation today >>

Re-connection is generously sponsored by:
John and Kathleen Buck

Upcoming events

Jul24 Reconnecting Neighborhoods Community Meeting Series Round II: Mid-South 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Jul29 Reconnecting Neighborhoods Community Meeting Series Round II: Near North 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Aug5 Moving at the Speed of Congestion 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Aug7 Reconnecting Neighborhoods Community Meeting Series Round II: Near West 5:30 PM–7:30 PM
Sep8 MPC 2008 Annual Meeting Luncheon - Metropolitan Mandate: How the Next President Will Fix What Ails America's Metro Areas 11:00 AM–1:45 PM

More events »

In the News

Available on MPC's Web site:

New worker perk: help buying a home

Christian Science Monitor, 7/11/2008

Fighting Over Trains
Daily Herald, 7/13/2008

Available online for a limited time:

'L' may stop in food aisle
Chicago Tribune, 7/17/2008

Suburbs Slow To Get On Board
Chicago Reporter, 7/17/2008

Re-Connection past issues

February 2008 Vol 1 Issue 1

March 2008 Vol 1 Issue 2

April 2008 Vol 1 Issue 3

May 2008 Vol 1 Issue 4

June 2008 Vol 1 Issue 5

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