December 2010

National and international thought leaders convened in Chicago Dec. 7, 8 and 9, for the “Global Metro Summit 2010: Delivering the Next Economy,” co-hosted by the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution, London School of Economics, Alfred Herrhausen Society, and Time magazine. At the event, Bruce Katz, founding director of Brookings’ Metropolitan Policy Program, shared an energizing vision for the post-recession economy that is export-oriented, low carbon, innovation-fueled, and led by metropolitan regions, which already account for 83 percent of U.S. population and 90 percent of GDP.

Where We Stand

This map shows the 50 U.S. metros analyzed for the Brookings Institution's "Global MetroMonitor."

Image courtesy the Brookings Institution

MPC believes that to grow our economy, the public and private sectors must align plans and resources, then invest with intention.

For government, this means aligning agencies, authorizing new tools and policies to stretch limited resources, and rewarding communities and regions with clear growth strategies. The business community should be a strong partner with government, helping to identify regional assets and making coordinated, transformative investments to unlock the growth potential of well-positioned economic sectors. In our region, those sectors could be green manufacturing, transportation logistics, food processing, and technology.

Northeastern Illinois and Northwest Indiana are doing some things right. For instance, we’re fostering municipal collaboration to be more efficient and targeted with limited resources, and exploring ways to invest smarter and get more from existing infrastructure, such as congestion pricing.

Yet, while progress is being made, more work is needed to achieve total alignment. MPC will present our 2011 Plan for Prosperity in January, which includes recommendations to align the public and private sector toward achieving the “next economy.”

Read MPC Board of Governors Member Jacques Gordon’s blog post on the Global Metro Summit, which he thinks made a compelling case for metro-based economic recovery >>

Read MPC President MarySue Barrett’s blog post on how the public and private sectors in our region can achieve “total alignment” toward the next economy >>

Read Barrett’s op-ed for, on what metropolitan Chicago can teach – and learn from – other regions >>

Read Neal Peirce’s op-ed for, on the need for vertical alignment among regional, state and federal governments to support regional economies  >>  

Project Progress Report: MPC By the Numbers: 2010 Edition

Graphic by Chantal Hayes

This time of year, we all “go gaga” over year-end lists, from the most memorable headlines and the best new restaurants, to the most colossal cinematic flops and the worst-dressed celebrities.

We keep track of so much data at MPC that we decided to get in on the fun. MPC by the Numbers: 2010 Edition is by no means an exhaustive list, but rather a numeric snapshot of some of our most memorable successes over the past 12 months.

These wins have inspired us to set ambitious goals for 2011, and we hope they also inspire you, our volunteers and friends, to continue to work with us to support sustainable, equitable and competitive communities across Northeastern Illinois and Northwest Indiana. 

Scan MPC By the Numbers: 2010 Edition to learn how our work has helped shape a more sustainable, equitable and competitive region >>

Donate to MPC today to help us continue to do this work >> 


Coalition urges mayoral candidates to make sustainable transportation a priority

Hundreds take survey to help shape Gary and Region Investment Project

Holiday gift ideas from MPC

New guide offers resources to assist multifamily property owners in metro Chicago

‘Shrinking cities’ are redefining themselves

Upcoming events

Jan 26 Letting it all Soak In: Nature’s Role in Protecting Water Resources 12:00 PM–1:30 PM

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MPC in the News

Sprawl, climate change, carp control hinder Chicago sewer overflow solution
TribLocal, 12/8/2010

Improving Gary, one suggestion at a time
WBEZ, 12/5/2010

Trying to ignite spark of revival in a grim Gary
The New York Times, 12/5/2010

We have many people to be thankful for
The Times of Northwest Indiana, 11/28/2010

News of Interest

Out the windows of Cabrini-Green
Chicagoist, 12/13/2010

What would mega-fiscal reform mean for states, cities, 12/10/2010

Half of state's human services agencies have laid off staff, study finds
Crain’s Chicago Business, 12/8/2010

Taking Chicago Transit from Good to Great, Part Two – Raising the Bar on Design
Urbanophile, 12/7/2010

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