January 2011 www.metroplanning.org

Illinois’ 97th General Assembly convened in Springfield, Ill., last Wednesday, following a dramatic finish to the 96th General Assembly, which included increasing the corporate and personal income tax rates, abolishing the death penalty, and rolling back free bus and train rides for all seniors. What’s on Springfield’s agenda in 2011? “Pay our bills, stabilize our budget, and strengthen our economy,” said Gov. Pat Quinn, at his inauguration last Monday. 

Where We Stand

Springfield has a tall order this year: fix our economy. Success will require a commitment to innovation, policy reform, smarter investment decisions, and, most of all, leadership by individuals, businesses and government.

MPC’s 2011 Plan for Prosperity is our 12-month agenda for achieving more competitive, sustainable and equitable communities. We all have a part to play, and while MPC has defined its role, we never work alone. For 77 years, this cooperative approach has produced lasting change in our growing region. Our partnerships span the public and private sector, from Chicago to Springfield to D.C., and beyond. In 2011, we are intensifying our commitment to work with elected officials, both brand-new and seasoned, who are confronting historic budget deficits and cloudy fiscal forecasts at all levels of government.

We believe that, in the face of economic austerity, we can make progress toward more sustainable, equitable and competitive communities. Indeed, our economic situation demands it. Business as usual simply does not work. However, through inspiringinvestments and inspired leadership, we can build a livable region that will thrive in the face of future economic storms. 

 Read MPC’s 2011 Plan for Prosperity >>

 Make a donation to help MPC advance innovative policies and smarter investment decisions in Springfield  >> 

 Project Progress Report: Water


Lately, most of the water we’ve encountered outdoors has been of the frozen variety: snow, ice, sleet and slush. On Wednesday, Jan. 26, MPC and Openlands invite you in from the cold for the first in our series of 2011 water roundtables, which will focus on one of our most precious, but under-valued resources: rainwater.

Register today for “Letting It All Soak In: Nature’s Role in Protecting Water Resources,from noon to 1:30 p.m., in MPC’s Conference Center, 140 S. Dearborn St., Suite 1400, Chicago. At the luncheon, sponsored by ComEd, you’ll learn more about how development and agricultural practices prevent natural filtration of rainfall, turning this important water resource into harmful stormwater runoff. Panelists will discuss what can be done to protect and restore our native landscape, which can store rainwater naturally where it falls and be available for our use.

If you cannot make the roundtable, but you still want to learn more about the region’s water resources, subscribe to MPC and Openlands’ What Our Water’s Worth (WOWW) e-newsletter, featuring a fresh “water story of the month” and related conservation tips and data. The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’ Environmental Committee, Mayor Tom Weisner of Aurora, and President David Pope of Oak Park are among those who have endorsed the WOWW campaign as a sound resource for raising awareness about the value of water in metropolitan Chicago. Find out what you’re missing by visiting the WOWW web site, www.chicagolandh2o.org, and signing up for the e-newsletter today.

Register now for Openlands and the Metropolitan Planning Council's first roundtable of 2011, “Letting It All Soak In: Nature’s Role in Protecting Water Resources.” >>

Learn more about the What Our Water’s Worth campaign and sign up for the e-newsletter. >>  


New employer incentives available to help employees 'go green'

Two reports and a 2/15 roundtable offer lessons learned from Neighborhood Stabilization Program

Regional Housing Initiative offers funding to developers and owners of rental housing in Cook, Lake, McHenry and Will counties

Zoning for urban agriculture and a more transparent shade of green

Financing infrastructure projects without public funds

MPC to lead national EAH working group

MPC partnering with fellow advocates to keep issues on the front burner in Chicago's mayoral race

Checking my MetroPulse

Contact Information  

For comments, suggestions, or submissions, please contact Chantal Hayes, Communications Associate, at chayes@metroplanning.org or (312)-863-6019.  













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Upcoming events

Jan 26 Letting It All Soak In: Nature’s Role in Protecting Water Resources 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Feb 1 Implementing GO TO 2040: A Plan for Chicagoland’s Future Part 1: We Have a Plan: Now What? 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Feb 15 Beyond the Neighborhood Stabilization Program: How foreclosure recovery can foster sustainable communities 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Apr 20 Great Lakes, Great Threats, Great Opportunities 9:30 AM–4:00 PM

More events »

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MPC in the News

Chicago's Next Mayor Will Support Green City Policies
PRNewswire, 1/18/2011

Chicago’s Bus Tracker: Taking the Guesswork Out of Waiting for the Bus
Streetfilms, 1/15/2011

Dear Chicago: Let’s clean up the Chicago River
WBEZ-FM, 1/17/2011

Wisconsin Sounds Off, But Misses the Point
Chicago News Cooperative, 1/15/2011

Placemaking: A Community's Appeal Drives Economic Prosperity
Realtor Magazine, 1/1/2011

ABC 7 Chicago to Broadcast Live Mayoral Candidate Debate
PR-USA.net, 12/27/2010

Chicago's Sustainable Transportation Platform
Gapers Block, 12/22/2010

NSP2 Housing - Attraction for Employees, Opportunity For Employers
Evanston Roundtable, 12/21/2010

Evanston employers courted for employee housing assistance program
Triblocal Evanston, 12/6/2010

News of Interest

Where All the Smart People Are Going 
Creative Class, 1/18/2011

Building a Long-Term National Strategy on Growth through Innovation 
Brookings, 1/18/2011

Need some help with your sidewalks? 
Active Transportation Alliance, 1/13/2011

Food Deserts: Another Way the Deck Is Stacked Against Car-Free Americans 
Streetsblog, 1/7/2011

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