Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Did you know?

In Paris and Barcelona almost 40 percent of bike share trips are in conjunction with transit.

A Capital Bikeshare station in Washington, D.C.

Photo: MoBikeFed (flickr)

Chicagoans, get geared up: This summer, Chicago’s first large-scale bike sharing network will roll out across the city, with 3,000 bicycles available to rent from 300 stations in 2012, and 4,000 bikes at 400 stations by next year. (Kudos to City Council for approving the plan on April 18.)

Bike sharing has become incredibly popular across the globe: More than 240 cities have bike share systems that allow members to rent a bike at one location, ride to their destination, and drop off the bike at the nearest station. Chicago bike share members will pay an annual fee of $75 for unlimited rides under 30 minutes, the expected time for most trips. To encourage quick turnover, after the initial 30 minutes the cost will be $1.50 to $2.00 an hour. For tourists and infrequent users, shorter subscription periods also will be available. Like the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) Chicago Card Plus, members will sign up via a web site, while one-time users will be able to register with a credit card at station kiosks.

The bikes, designed for riders of all skill levels, will sit at solar-powered docking stations near CTA and Metra locations and in other high-density areas across the city.

Read on find out more about when and where you can expect the new bikes in Chicago!

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