Monday, August 13, 2012

Did you know?

Though Atlantans voted down the penny tax for transportation, the Atlanta BeltLine rail project will move forward.

Atlanta votes 'no' on solving traffic congestion, What’s next?

Commuters suffer in Atlanta traffic congestion.

The Atlanta region is notorious for its traffic gridlock and suburban sprawl. The region’s average commuter spends 127 minutes on the road every day and an additional $924 a year simply because they’re idling in traffic. Last week Atlanta residents had a chance to do something about their transportation problems with a vote on a 10-year transportation special-purpose, local-option sales tax, or T-SPLOST. The one-cent sales tax would have paid for more than $8 billion worth of transit and highway projects, returning $34 billion back in gross regional product and supporting 200,000 jobs. Regrettably, voters said no.

What will Atlanta miss out on? Read on to find out what a “yes” vote would have built, and what the future of Atlanta transit looks like without T-SPLOST.

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Metropolitan Planning Council
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