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Metropolitan Planning Council Re-Connection

Happy New Year!

New year, new email newsletter from MPC.

If one of your New Year's resolutions was to unclutter your inbox, MPC is here to help. Re-Connection is now our sole newsletter, featuring the MPC news, event notices, and content you’ve come to value. You'll also see stories that in the past would have been featured in Talking Transit, What Our Water’s Worth, or The EAH Advantage. Tell us what you think about this streamlined approach.

2013 Plan for Prosperity

2013 Plan for Prosperity cover

Our 2013 policy agenda offers innovative, pragmatic solutions for a competitive and livable Chicago region. Working hand-in-hand with government, industry and community leaders, MPC will work in 2013 to contribute to vibrant neighborhoods and a competitive regional economy; responsible, productive use of Chicago’s water assets; a transportation network that serves people and the economy; innovative financing that unlocks regional growth; and quality homes in attractive communities. Read the 2013 Plan for Prosperity.

MPC joins civic advocates to call for pension reform

Pension reform press conference"Getting Illinois on sound financial footing is critically important not only to run state government day-to-day, but also for long-term economic stability that attracts businesses and supports vibrant communities," said MarySue Barrett, MPC president. on Jan. 3, when she joined advocates including The Civic Federation and Better Government Association to call on Illinois lawmakers to forge a long-term solution to the state's pension funding crisis. While we were disappointed that a solution wasn't hammered out during the lame-duck session, we are encouraged by progress on the House proposal and Sen. Cullerton assigning Senate Bill 1 to a pension package. Pension reform is job number one this session –  Illinois’ economic future is dependent on it. Read the joint statement.

CMAP receives well-deserved national award

Congratulations to the staff and board of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for earning the American Planning Association’s first-ever National Planning Excellence Award for a Planning Agency.

The award “honors the work of a public sector planning agency that has continually produced a program of exceptional work that has elevated awareness about planning.” All of us at MPC – our staff and volunteers, past and present – raise a glass to CMAP. Read more.

Feb. 7: Land bank roundtable

How can a new Cook County land bank be deployed to remove redevelopment barriers and jumpstart economic development? Join Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer, Principal at Teska Associates, Inc. Scott Goldstein, and Director of the Thriving Communities Institute Jim Rokakis for a Feb. 7 roundtable to discuss the creation of the Cook County Land Bank Authority and how it compares to similar efforts in other regions. Register now!

Learn more about the proposed Land Bank Authority, recommended by the Cook County Land Bank Advisory Committee chaired by MPC President MarySue Barrett.

ULI ChicagoCo-hosted by ULI Chicago

Talking Transit

Talking Transit and In the Loop will be featured in the Jan. 24 issue of Re-Connection.

Talking Transit is supported by Bombardier.


What Our Water's Worth

Look for a new story about the value of our water resources in February. Until then, catch up on 12 of our favorite past stories.

MPC's water initiatives are supported by partners such as Veolia Water and Illinois American Water.

Veolia Water, Illinois American Water

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