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Metropolitan Planning Council Re-Connection

Gov. Quinn calls for economic solutions

State of the State highlights need for infrastructure investment, pension reform

At his State of the State address on Wednesday, Feb. 6, Gov. Patrick Quinn focused on Illinois’ economic stability, asking rhetorically, “Do we want, in the years to come, a prosperous Illinois where working people continue to have good 2013 Plan for Prosperity jobs, where businesses thrive, and where all our children have a world-class education? Or do we want to stop the progress and watch our economic recovery stall?”

Working hand-in-hand with government, business and community leaders, MPC is helping stabilize and grow our region’s and state’s economy, on multiple fronts. Read our reflections on the State of the State and MPC's 2013 Plan for Prosperity to learn more about our proposed solutions for strengthening the economy to attract businesses and support healthy communities.

Cook County Land Bank event draws large crowd

Pres. PreckwinkleOver 200 people attended today's MPC and ULI Chicago Roundtable on the new Cook County Land Bank. Attendees heard from Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Scott Goldstein of Teska Associates, Inc., Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer, and Jim Rokakis of the Thriving Communities Institute. The panelists shared details of the collaboration that led to the creation of the land bank ordinance, compared it to similar efforts around the country, and laid out their plans to make the land bank a success.

Look for a full recap of the event tomorrow on MPC's blog, The Connector. For now, you can watch a recording of the entire event.

Next MPC Roundtable Feb. 27

Two Anchor Institutions, One Story of Revitalization through Housing Investment

The benefits of Placemaking: ongoing blog series

Great places attract people through activities, shopping or just the experience of connecting to other people—and the power of a vibrant public place transcends geographic and demographic boundaries. Read MPC’s blog, The Connector, for a new series on the quantifiable and indisputable economic, environmental, physical and social benefits of Placemaking.

Residents overcome feelings of isolation through Placemaking

Milwaukee’s Metcalfe Park was hit hard by the economic crisis. Suffering from foreclosures, violent and petty crime, and a highly transient population, the odds seemed stacked against the neighborhood. Rather than succumbing to feelings of isolation, concerned residents got together last summer and planned a movies in the park event—a small, but powerful act of Placemaking that transformed their community and themselves.

Photo credit: Don Harder (flickr)

Unseasonable Chicago weather highlights need for resilient water infrastructure

In recent weeks, the Chicago region experienced below-freezing temperatures, our first snow (after a record-setting 335 days!), freezing rain, and a 60-degree day. Learn more about what this weather means for our region's water resources and how MPC is developing solutions for more resilient water infrastructure.

Experiencing Drought: Local water providers share their perspectives

Experiencing Drought is an ongoing series on MPC’s blog, The Connector, featuring guest columns by public works officials on the impacts of drought on northeastern Illinois communities

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