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Metropolitan Planning Council Re-Connection
TDM graphic: reducing congestion through different modes

Nobody knows the traffic I've seen...

Learn how to de-stress your commute at MPC's Commute Options Roundtable and report release tomorrow, Dec. 6

Some of us are lucky enough to have ample commuting alternatives. We can drive a car. We can take a train. We can ride a bike. Or a bus. Or even a Water Taxi. But for many of us, "commute" is synonymous with "inescapable twice-daily hair-raising odyssey, uphill both ways." This is unfortunate, and unnecessary.

Join us tomorrow, Dec. 6, for our Roundtable: Making the Case for Commute Options, where we'll release the findings of our two-year Commute Options pilot with 16 regional employers. Commutes don't have to be horrible, and there are regional solutions to the problem.

As an added perk, the first 75 registrants get a one-day Divvy pass, and we're running a twitter contest for free Divvy t-shirts. So sign up quickly, before time runs out!

Can't make the event? Watch the live stream on YouTube from your desktop, phone or tablet.

Thanks to Globetrotters Engineering for their sponsorship of this event.

Thanks to Divvy and ICF International for their contributions.

Homes for a Changing Region is changing the region

It's been eight years since the first Homes for a Changing Region study, and in that time, despite an economic recession, foreclosure crisis and all the budget uncertainties facing municipalities, the communities we worked with have made real progress on their 30-year housing plans. Our newest blog series takes a look at the strides these communities have already made, starting with an overview by MPC Senior Advisor Nancy Firfer.

Tuesday: Rally in favor of BRT in Chicago!

The CTA is holding public meetings next week about BRT on Ashland, and MPC has teamed up with Active Transportation Alliance to hold a rally before the first meeting. Come to Punch House in Pilsen starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 10 and have a drink with fellow BRT supporters. We'll hear briefly from a few speakers, including Ted Orosz of New York City MTA, who will talk about their experience with BRT on streets similar to Ashland. Then, at 6 p.m., we'll head around the corner to the CTA's meeting and show our support there. RSVP for the rally now!

If you can't make Tuesday night's rally, come to the Wednesday, Dec. 11 meeting at 6 p.m. in West Town. Full details about the rally and both meetings are available here.

What Our Water's Worth

Northwest Water Planning Alliance full speed ahead on comprehensive plan

The Northwest Water Planning Alliance (NWPA), a consortium of 80 communities working together to preserve the precious Fox River and groundwater resources, recently approved their first three-year strategic plan. The plan represents a major step forward for the NWPA, pioneers in collaboration across municipal borders to address shared issues. MPC looks forward to continuing our work with the NWPA as they improve their resiliency in the face of increasingly constrained water resources.

Support for MPC's water work is provided in part by Veolia Water and Illinois American Water.
Veolia Water, Illinois American Water

Happy Holidays! Here's a list of gift ideas from MPC

Not sure what to get the plannerd in your life this year? Trying to shy away from scarves or chocolates? We've got you covered! From National Park Passports to biking accessories, MPC is counting down the days with our favorite tangentially related planning gifts. So don't fret this holiday season. Just check in daily on our blog or on twitter for holiday gift ideas that will knock their socks off. (Yup, even the socks you got them last year.)

Not only a subsidy problem: Preserving affordable rental housing

Cities across the United States are in the throes of an affordability crisis. Rental housing, both subsidized and unsubsidized, is disappearing, due to a variety of factors. The implications are huge: Without enough housing stock in affordable price ranges, struggling families will have nowhere to turn. Thankfully, there are effective solutions. MPC provides some insight into reversing the trend.

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