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Flickr user Doug Kerr (CC)

Salt: The flavor of our (winter) lives

MPC explores our love-hate relationship with road salt

Our region—any region that grapples with snow and ice—has a love/hate relationship with road salt. Salt makes driving on wintry roads doable. It gets stuck to our boots and rusts our cars. It's necessary, but it's a pain.

In a new series, MPC Associate Sarah Cardona dissects how a chemical compound most of us know very little about affects so many aspects of our lives. First up: How much does all this salt cost?

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So 2015 wasn't Illinois' greatest year...

...unless we're talking about managing stormwater in Chicagoland. MPC Director Josh Ellis outlines a lot of the progress made last year.

Chicago Union Station is ready for a reboot...

...and work is finally getting under way. On Tuesday, Feb. 16, come hear how Toronto Union Station is going through a similar process.
Thanks to NORR for sponsoring this event.

Meet Ray LaHood and Janette Sadik-Khan

They're joining us for our evening Urban Think & Drink series on March 3 and 29, respectively. Register today to get in on the conversations!
Thanks to BNSF for sponsoring Ray LaHood, and Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC, Solomon Cordwell Buenz and TransitCenter for sponsoring Janette Sadik-Khan.

What is the cost of segregation?

We know that the Chicago region is one of the most segregated in the country. MPC and Urban Institute are exploring what this reality costs the region as a whole.

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