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Logan Square CTA rail yard 1968

Flickr user cta web (CC)

"I think their supply is causing our demand."

Both sides of the gentrification debate

The phenomenon of gentrification is well documented. But what causes it? And how do we empower residents who want to stay in the neighborhoods they grew up in?

MPC Director Marisa Novara delves deep into the issue in her latest post, pulling from recent studies to question long-held beliefs about the triggers of neighborhood transformation, and what we can do to mitigate its downsides.
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With friends like road salt...

...Who needs enemies? MPC looks at how salting our roads in winter affects our waterways in the spring.

Sharing is caring for Chicagoland municipalities

MPC looks at a recent Metropolitan Mayors Caucus report that shows the region's municipalities are already on board with sharing services to save money.

1909 to 2050: An evolution in planning

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's launch of ON TO 2050 prompted us to compare Daniel Burnham's 1909 Plan of Chicago with today's big plans.

Mixing public and private

MPC Executive Vice President Peter Skosey lays out the benefits of public-private partnerships, and why our unwillingness to pay taxes makes them so attractive.

Illinois' roads are getting worse

In a recent letter to the Chicago Tribune, MPC President MarySue Barrett lays out why low gas prices present a golden opportunity.
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reading on the Green LineThe four seasons of commuting

Do your commuting habits change with the weather? Or are you a die-hard all-seasons biker? MPC's Yonah Freemark digs into the data on how the weather affects our commutes.

Flickr user Ann Fisher (CC)

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Talking Transit is supported by Bombardier.

Upcoming events

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Streetfight with Janette Sadik-Khan
March 29, 5 p.m.
sponsored by Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC, Solomon Cordwell Buenz and TransitCenter

The Third Deficit: Illinois' Transportation Crisis
April 4, 11:30 a.m.
hosted by the City Club of Chicago

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available
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