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Flickr user John W. Iwanski (CC)

More development near transit is great

Convincing people of that using data is even better

Building higher density in neighborhoods can be a tough sell for a variety of reasons. Residents worry about parking issues or increased traffic. They raise concerns about the character of the neighborhood.

What helps, in instances such as these, is to have real numbers that point to all the benefits provided by taller buildings near transit. That's why MPC created our Grow Chicago TOD Calculator last year. We wanted to give developers and residents the power to see how development near transit could help their communities.

We were thrilled to see this article from Harvard's Ash Center praising the Calculator earlier this month. We continue to advocate for more homes near transit.
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The 364 days of the year the Chicago River isn't green

Chicagoans flock to the river for St. Patrick's Day, but as our video by Free Spirit Media shows, the river is still pretty cool any other day of the year.


Is fear of teenagers driving our housing supply?

Newsflash: It's a lot of money

Years of declining revenue and investment have left Illinois’ roads, rails and bridges in scary shape. On April 4, MPC reveals what it will cost to fix our transportation deficit.
This event is hosted by the City Club of Chicago. 

Our evening with Ray LaHood, Moderate

In today's political climate, moderate voices tend to get drowned out. Ray LaHood talked with an MPC audience about bringing bipartisanship back.
MPC thanks BNSF Railway and CSX Transportation for sponsoring this Urban Think & Drink.

March 29—MPC Urban Think & Drink
Streetfight with Janette Sadik-Khan

The former NYC transportation commish has been making a splash in the news lately with her new book, Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution.

Join MPC and Sadik-Khan for a discussion about why cities need to “read their streets” to successfully redesign public space that works for everyone.

Copies of Streetfight will be available for purchase at the event.

Networking begins at 5 p.m. The program will begin at 5:30, with time to mingle (and get your book signed) after. Come enjoy a beer, a talk and great company!

MPC thanks Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC, Solomon Cordwell Buenz and TransitCenter for sponsoring this event. Thanks to Revolution Brewing for providing libations!


Upcoming events

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Streetfight with Janette Sadik-Khan
March 29, 5 p.m.
sponsored by Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC, Solomon Cordwell Buenz and TransitCenter

Learning from the City: Midwest Regional Convening on U.N. Habitat III
March 31, 8:30 a.m.

The Third Deficit: Illinois' Transportation Crisis
April 4, 11:30 a.m.
hosted by the City Club of Chicago

Heading Off Crisis: Northeastern Illinois Water Supply Forum
May 12, 9:30 a.m.
hosted by MPC and the Northwest Water Planning Alliance

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available
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