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Where are your tax dollars going, Illinois?

MPC supports the "lockbox" amendment to keep transportation tax dollars for transportation projects. In November, your vote can, too.

Illinois needs to invest $43 billion over 10 years to make commutes smoother and shorter, trains faster and bridges sturdier.

In a letter to the Chicago Sun-Times, MPC voiced our support for a "lockbox" amendment to the constitution that will keep those funds—too often pilfered to plug state budget holes—for transportation projects. That means that when you pay the state's gas tax at the pump, you can be sure your money is going to fix the potholes in our roads, crumbling bridges we drive over (and under) and the buses and trains we take to work.

MPC firmly believes that more revenue should go hand in hand with reform. The lockbox amendment will be on the ballot in November. Vote yes to protect the dollars Illinoisans pay for the roads, bridges and transit systems we all use every day.

Join us for Infrastructure Week 2016! We're hosting "43 minutes for $43 billion" on Wednesday, May 18, at 11 a.m. central time. We'll be tweeting, calling legislators and making sure transportation dollars are a priority. Stay tuned for information early next week on how you can join in!

Chicago can—and must—change course.

That's the overall feeling one gets after reading the recent New York Times/Kaiser Family Foundation poll about how Chicagoans perceive the direction their city is taking.

It's true that Chicago faces many intertwined challenges, chief among them segregation and lagging growth. MPC's Cost of Segregation study will provide hope and solutions for a great city with a lot of tough challenges ahead.
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What does it take to be Up to Code?

In a series of case studies, Up to Code arms municipalities in Chicago's Southland with the tools they need to tackle distressed housing together.

The South Side stories

On Thursday, June 16, we welcome WBEZ reporter and The South Side author Natalie Moore to speak about her book on segregation and her own experiences as a South Side Chicagoan.

Is the age of iconic American cities over?

As cities like Minneapolis and Nashville experience surges in population, are America's old, iconic titans waning? On June 2, join MPC and our counterparts in San Francisco and New York City for a conversation on how to solve the issues facing our cities.
MPC thanks ComEd and the Yagan Family Fund for their generous sponsorship, and Revolution Brewing for providing libations.

Upcoming events

Great Rivers Chicago Regional Public Meetings
May 24, 6 p.m. – Rowan Park

Chicago Style Presents Transform Illinois with MarySue Barrett
May 18, 7 p.m.
hosted by the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Growing Pains: Is the Age of Iconic American Cities Over?
June 2, 5 p.m.
hosted by MPC, New York City's RPA and San Francisco's SPUR
sponsored by ComEd and Yagan Family Fund — co-sponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with WBEZ's Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Why is Minneapolis Growing Faster than Chicago?
July 14, 5 p.m.
sponsored by ComEd and Yagan Family Fund — co-sponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Lessons from Boomtown
Sept. 21, 5 p.m.
sponsored by ComEd and Yagan Family Fund — co-sponsorships still available
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