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Flickr user Brook Ward (CC)

No more sneaking from the transportation cookie jar

MPC agrees transportation dollars should go to transportation projects

Illinois needs to invest $43 billion over 10 years to make commutes smoother and shorter, trains faster and bridges sturdier.

The state also needs to make sure that $43 billion isn't diverted to non-transportation projects. That's why MPC was thrilled to see a "lockbox" amendment to Illinois' constitution sail through the House of Representatives late last week.

The Illinois House approved the measure 98-4, proving strong bipartisan support. Our December 2014 poll of Illinois residents showed that more than half would be willing to pay more for transportation if they knew the money would go to a dedicated fund. Tell your state senator to pass this amendment, so it will be on the ballot in November for voters to decide.

The desegregation that never was

In a powerful piece for the Chicago Reader, reporters Maya Dukmasova and Meribah Knight dig into how the Chicago Housing Authority's "supervoucher" program was significantly scaled back in the face of political pressure. The article tells the deeper story of how public funding is needed to lessen segregation.

Read MPC Director Marisa Novara's article, linked in the Reader article, about the real Housing Choice Voucher problem. The article also appears on the Urban Land Institute's How Housing Matters blog.
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A new era: Efficiency in Illinois

No fewer than 22 separate government efficiency bills were floated in Springfield this session. In contrast to other issues in Springfield, many of them are moving forward.

Handing out A's to C students

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation's proposed rules for dispensing transportation dollars leave a lot to be desired. Here's why.

What is the Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus?

MPC Manager Yonah Freemark lays out the Chicago Dept. of Planning and Development's proposed changes to Downtown zoning.
Talking Transit headline

The argument for density

Transit-rich communities like Lincoln Square on Chicago's North Side are in high demand, even as they lose population. MPC Manager Yonah Freemark delves into why that's happening, and points out that if we want to provide homes for people where they want to live, we're going to have to start building upward.

Get In the Loop on all the latest transportation headlines.

Talking Transit is supported by Bombardier.

Photo by Flickr user Sarah A.

Upcoming events

Great Rivers Chicago Regional Public Meetings
May 4, 6 p.m. – Horner Park
May 11, 6 p.m. – Dunning Library
May 24, 6 p.m. – Rowan Park

On the Table at the City Club of Chicago
May 10, 7:30 a.m.

Heading Off Crisis: Northeastern Illinois Water Supply Forum
May 12, 9:30 a.m.
hosted in Aurora, Ill. by MPC and the Northwest Water Planning Alliance
sponsored by AECOM and The Harris Family Foundation—more opportunities available

Chicago Style Presents Transform Illinois with MarySue Barrett
May 18, 7 p.m.
hosted by the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Reviving Our Regions
June 2, 5:30 p.m.
hosted by MPC, New York City's RPA and San Francisco's SPUR
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — cosponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with WBEZ's Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Why is Minneapolis Growing Faster than Chicago?
July 14, 5 p.m.
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — co-sponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Lessons from Boomtown
Sept. 21, 5 p.m.
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — co-sponsorships still available
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