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Flickr user Deborah Fitchett (CC)

Let's fill this $43 billion pothole, Illinois

Investing $43 billion over the next 10 years is a bargain compared with what we waste by doing nothing.

We need to invest $43 billion over 10 years to make commutes smoother and shorter, trains faster and bridges sturdier.

There's more than one way to fill this massive pothole; MPC started the statewide conversation last week by equating the $43 billion need with a 30-cent gas tax increase and a 50 percent increase in the state's vehicle registration fee. We welcomed civic leaders and policy makers to weigh in with their ideas. This week, Senate President Cullerton introduced a proposal to enact a fee based on miles driven.

We agree that Illinois needs to move in this direction; indeed, our proposal calls for full implementation of a vehicle miles traveled fee by 2026. But a mileage-based fee will take time to implement. We need a solution yesterday, or our $43 billion gap will only get bigger.

$43 billion is non-negotiable—but how we pay for it is. Here at MPC, we welcome an ongoing discussion about the best ways to invest in the infrastructure we need.

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22 bills

On Wednesday, April 6, MPC, our Transform Illinois partners and a host of legislators called attention to a groundswell of support in Springfield for local government efficiency.

How Airbnb is opening up Chicago

Can we attract Chicago's 165,000+ Airbnb visitors—who overwhelmingly want to stay in neighborhoods, not Downtown—to explore the South Side's many gems?

What will our rivers look like tomorrow?

Come learn about Great Rivers Chicago's draft long-term vision at one of three upcoming public meetings! You'll have a chance to weigh in on your area's future.

Northeastern Illinois has water worries, too.

Being on a Great Lake doesn't exempt us from worrying about water quality or supply. Join MPC, Northwest Water Planning Alliance and the City of Aurora to learn more on Thursday, May 12.

Join us for an Earth Day rally!

Next Friday, April 22, is Earth Day, and MPC is participating with other organizations in what promises to be an energizing and fun rally at the Bridgehouse Museum, located at Michigan Ave. and the Chicago River.

Join us for inspiring words of wisdom from U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and others! The rally begins at 8:15 a.m.

Register today!

And now...
The April Fools' Headline Write-off Winner!

Congratulations to MPC Communications Director Mandy Burrell Booth on her winning April Fools' Day headline, "You won't believe who made an appearance at the Art Institute!" The headline garnered more clicks than any other contender, increasing the number of eyes on MPC Manager Danielle Gallet's "A fountain for the Great Lakes" post!

You voted with your clicks—thank you for participating in the First Annual MPC Regionalist April Fools' Headline Write-off!

Upcoming events

Great Rivers Chicago Regional Public Meetings
NEW DATE coming soon – Rowan Park
May 4, 6 p.m. – Horner Park
May 11, 6 p.m. – Dunning Library

Chicago's Earth Day Rally
April 22, 8:15 a.m.
in partnership with Environmental Law & Policy Center, Friends of the Chicago River and many others

Heading Off Crisis: Northeastern Illinois Water Supply Forum
May 12, 9:30 a.m.
hosted in Aurora, Ill. by MPC and the Northwest Water Planning Alliance

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Reviving Our Regions
June 2, 5:30 p.m.
hosted by MPC, New York City's RPA and San Francisco's SPUR
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — cosponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with WBEZ's Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Why is Minneapolis Growing Faster than Chicago?
July 14, 5 p.m.
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — cosponsorships still available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Lessons from Boomtown
Sept. 21, 5 p.m.
sponsored by the Yagan Family Fund — cosponsorships still available
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