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Cabrini Green highrise demolition

Flickr user Ian Freimuth (CC)

The real Housing Choice Voucher story

Low-income people living in affluent communities

Chicago has a housing problem. Too many low-income people—who are disproportionately also minorities—can't find a home in communities with easy access to transit and quality jobs and schools. That isn't okay.

To combat this problem, Chicago Housing Authority has partnered with U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to provide low-income families with housing vouchers to move to communities rich in these amenities.

Recent headlines questioned whether this effort to help low-income families live in higher-cost neighborhoods is a good use of taxpayer money. Our question is: Why doesn’t anyone ever ask how much Chicago’s segregation costs us?

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And now...
The MPC Regionalist April Fools' Headline Write-off!

The content is real—the headlines are fake

We asked MPC staff to write the buzzfeed-iest, tabloid-iest headlines they could think of, and here's what they came up with. Vote for your favorite by clicking—whichever post gets the most views wins!

Did this woman's 26 cats send the neighbors running?

One explanation for why Cook County lost 10,488 people last year.

You won't believe who made an appearance at the Art Institute!

These gals have a message about the Great Lakes.

MPC tells all!

Shocking details about the FIGHT at MPC's latest Think & Drink.

So revealing!

The infrastructure number that puts us to shame!

Will the Great Lakes be a desert in 20 years?!

Where your water's coming from (and how much is left!)
Talking Transit header

Here are some pandas talking about transit

MPC Manager Yonah Freemark and some pandas take us back in history to the original days of the Chicago Transit Authority, through the years of belt-tightening to today, when El ridership is thriving. These pandas wonder: Might we need some new stations?

Get In the Loop on all the latest transportation headlines.

This special April Fools' Day Talking Transit is supported by Bombardier.
And some pandas.

Help Great Rivers Chicago move forward!

Register for a public meeting

In his March 22 "Building on Burnham" address, Mayor Emanuel called out Great Rivers Chicago, an initiative led by the City and in partnership with MPC, Friends of the Chicago River and others to create a long-term vision for Chicago's three rivers—Calumet, Chicago and Des Plaines.

The mayor called for making our rivers "part of our neighborhoods rather than a separate part of the city."

In April and May, Great Rivers Chicago will host a round of public meetings to get resident input on the draft vision, and also to hold constructive conversations on how to move forward over the next year in communities all along our riverfronts. We invite any and all Chicago residents to come hear about the vision and help move us toward reaching our rivers' full potential!

All public meetings are free and open to the public. For space constraint reasons, please register in advance!

Great Rivers Chicago logo Ping Tom Park

Upcoming events

The Third Deficit: Illinois' Transportation Crisis
April 4, 11:30 a.m.
hosted by the City Club of Chicago

Great Rivers Chicago Regional Public Meetings
April 14, 6 p.m. – Ping Tom Park
April 21, 6 p.m. – Rowan Park
May 4, 6 p.m. – Horner Park
May 11, 6 p.m. – Dunning Library

Heading Off Crisis: Northeastern Illinois Water Supply Forum
May 12, 9:30 a.m.
hosted in Aurora, Ill. by MPC and the Northwest Water Planning Alliance

SAVE THE DATE: Successful Cities Summer Series
June 2
hosted by MPC, New York City's RPA and San Francisco's SPUR

MPC Urban Think & Drink—The South Side with WBEZ's Natalie Moore
June 16, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available

MPC Urban Think & Drink—Why is Minneapolis Growing Faster than Chicago?
July 14, 5 p.m.
sponsorship opportunities available
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