November 2008
As the last votes were being counted in North Carolina and Missouri the day after his historic victory, President-Elect Barack Obama had already begun the work of preparing for his transition to the White House in January. In addition to naming U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) as his chief of staff, Obama tapped John Podesta, a former chief of staff under President Bill Clinton; Valerie Jarrett, CEO of the Habitat Company, trusted advisor, and MPC Board Member; and Peter Rouse, Obama's Senate chief of staff, to lead his transition team. The president-elect wasted no time convening a wide-range of high profile economic experts either. Among the people he conferred with just days after his election were former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, former Commerce Secretary William Daley, and Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm.

Where We Stand

Barack Obama is the first Chicagoan elected President of the United States, and one of a very few to come from an urban, metropolitan area. This, alone, gives MPC hope the new administration will work closely with metro regions to capitalize on the people, jobs and infrastructure that make them the drivers of the U.S. economy.  Many of the president-elect’s plans and proposals – from a National Infrastructure Bank to an Office of Urban Policy – as well as his close advisors reflect an understanding that the country and metro regions will rise and fall together. 

On Friday, Nov. 7, MPC hosted a Leadership Circle breakfast with Jonathan Alter, senior editor and columnist with Newsweek. One of Alter’s more promising predictions (for MPC) was that infrastructure and housing investment would be top priorities for the new president, because of the central role both play in stimulating the economy.

Listen to Barack Obama’s June 2008 speech to the U.S. Conference of Mayors about strengthening cities. >>

Project Progress Report

Making a Place in Chicagoland

Since March 2008, MPC has partnered with New York City's Project for Public Spaces (PPS) on an initiative to provide Chicagoland residents with resources to help them make positive changes in their neighborhoods. Known as Placemaking, or designing places in ways people want to use them, MPC’s goal is to inspire residents and public agencies to preserve and improve upon the existing great public spaces – and to create new community places.

MPC continued its collaboration with PPS this fall, by hosting two Placemaking workshops, releasing A Guide to Neighborhood Placemaking in Chicago, and launching the Placemaking Chicago Web site (, an information hub for Placemaking in the Chicago region. Looking ahead, MPC will advocate for community-planned and programmed public places by providing Placemaking technical assistance to communities and supporting a dedicated network of local government and community stakeholders to promote Placemaking throughout the region.  

For more information about Placemaking in Chicago >>

For case studies of Placemaking in action from the Chicago region – updated regularly - visit >>

To watch a short video on Placemaking, visit MPC’s YouTube Channel, MetroplanningChicago >>

MPC Headlines

A sampling of new articles on MPC’s Web site.
Tune in to MPC’s new YouTube channel
Visit and subscribe to MetroplanningChicago to receive e-mail updates whenever new videos are posted.
View MPC's latest video hits, as well as golden oldies. >>

MPC forum explores youth opportunities in CHA communities
Building Successful Mixed-Income Communities forum focused programming to engage young people, including several new initiatives launched by CHA and the Chicago Dept. of Children and Youth Services.
Summaries of other Building Successful Mixed-Income Communities forums and related publications  (link)are available on MPC’s website.>>

Register for the Dec. 5 Forum on Reconnecting Neighborhoods’ Transit and Retail Recommendations.>>

Support Our Work

Good for the region, good for the nation: President-elect Barack Obama has the enormous task of strengthening our nation’s greatest assets that cluster in metropolitan areas. By prioritizing housing and transportation, President-elect Obama’s urban/metro plan can help revitalize metropolitan areas and address the current economic crisis. MPC is right in the mix with our partners, refining a Chicagoland-federal agenda that will inform important discussions and decisions on these issues. To support MPC’s cross-cutting agenda, please click here.

Re-connection is generously sponsored by:
John and Kathleen Buck

Upcoming events

Nov19 Reconnecting Neighborhoods -Last Near North Side Community Meeting 6:30 PM–7:30 PM
Nov20 MPC FALL ROUNDTABLE SERIES | Off the Record: Post-Election Analysis from Reporters’ Eye View 8:00 AM–9:30 AM
Dec5 Dec. 5 “Building Successful Mixed-Income Communities Forum” to Highlight Reconnecting Neighborhoods’ Transit and Retail Recommendations 8:00 AM–10:30 AM

More events »

In the News

MPC in the news

Tollway plan for carpooling, interchanges gets test drive
Daily Herald, 11/10/2008 

Affordable Housing Measures Pass - So What's Next?
Progress Illinois, 11/10/2008

Ideas for Obama
Community Media Workshop, 11/10/2008

Illinois poised to get bigger bucks for roads, transit
Crain's Chicago Business, 11/10/2008

Council looks to Obama for help
SouthtownStar, 11/10/2008 

Other local, regional, world news, Available online for a limited time:

The High Rise of the First Metropolitan Candidate:
Washington Post, 10/23/08 

A New Narrative for America and Her Cities
Huffington Post, 11/4/08

Urban Policy and the Obama Presidency
Planetizen, 11/5/08  

Environmental leaders offer their elevator pitches for Obama
Gristmill, 11/4/08  

Chicago walks on air after historic win
Chicago Tribune, 11/06/08

For the latest news and reports from MPC, visit our online Newsroom.

Re-Connection past issues

February 2008 Vol 1 Issue 1

March 2008 Vol 1 Issue 2

April 2008 Vol 1 Issue 3

May 2008 Vol 1 Issue 4

June 2008 Vol 1 Issue 5

July 2008 Vol 1 Issue 6

August 2008 Vol 1 Issue 7

September 2008 Vol 1 Issue 8

October 2008 Vol 1 Issue 9

Learn how to make green living and eco-friendly technology a part of your life. Visit the Museum of Science and Industry to tour a real, three-story modular and sustainable “green” home. 



In November, Chicago Matters will examine energy in the region.

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