May 2008

U.S. Dept. of Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters came to town last Thursday, April 29, to present Chicago with a $153 million grant to help relieve traffic congestion. The city plans to use the funds to develop a Bus Rapid Transit system and implement "peak period pricing" for parking in the Loop.


Where We Stand

The Metropolitan Planning Council wholeheartedly supports the city's congestion relief proposal, which couples innovative ideas with new investment in our transportation system. Cities have been trying to build their way out of congestion for years, and it's not working. New roads get filled to capacity within one decade of being built, while rising construction costs render cities and states financially incapable of laying pavement fast enough to keep pace with population growth. Places that are successfully fighting traffic have one thing in common: they're trying new, cost-effective approaches to give people better options for getting around. Chicago's proposal is a step in the right direction, toward increasing accessibility, reducing congestion, curbing air pollution, and improving quality of life for residents.

Read more about fighting congestion in Chicagoland>>

Project Progress Report

Reconnecting Neighborhoods: first-round meetings wrap up
Over the last six months, the Reconnecting Neighborhoods project team (Chicago Dept. of Planning and Development, Regional Transportation Authority, HNTB, and Metropolitan Planning Council) has worked to facilitate an open and interactive planning process in three revitalizing Chicago neighborhoods on the Near North, Near West, and Mid-South sides of the city. Reconnecting Neighborhoods is a year-long public process to research and survey current and possible transit networks and land uses within the study areas, reassessing these uses in light of recent investment and planned development. The first part of this effort included establishing and convening three local task forces, forming an Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IGAC), drafting three area-specific inventory reports, and introducing the project to the at-large community.   

Since Jan. 31, 2008, Reconnecting Neighborhoods has held 10 meetings between the three study areas, and has launched the Reconnecting Neighborhoods Web site to give greater access and information to the community.   

Learn about next steps for the Reconnecting Neighborhoods project>>

MPC Headlines

A sampling of new articles on MPC’s Web site

Moving our nation’s goods through freight
If the region doesn’t address its rail congestion and infrastructure issues now, we will lose 17,000 jobs and more than $2 billion in annual economic production over the next 20 years.

Read more about reducing rail and traffic congestion in the region>>

National attention to employer-assisted housing
MPC and its employer-assisted housing work are featured in the inaugural podcast of and at the recent APA Conference in Nevada.

Learn more about MPC’s national EAH efforts>>

MPC has your ear
A new partnership with Chicago Public Radio is helping MPC reach new audiences to broaden public discourse on our issues.

Listen to audio recordings of select MPC events>>


Register today for Beyond Showerheads and Sprinklers!
May 16 is almost upon us, which means the clock is ticking to register for this unique opportunity to help set direction for water governance in Illinois! Beyond Showerheads and Sprinklers will be more than just a conference – it will be a vital and timely discussion on moving forward with a statewide framework for regional water supply planning that balances residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, and ecological needs.

For more information and to register for the May 16 conference>>

Support Our Work

Are you tired of wasting gas while you sit idling in traffic?  With the recent grant of $153 million in federal funding to jumpstart Chicago’s Bus Rapid Transit program, now is the ideal time to support MPC’s work to reduce congestion throughout the region.  We are currently engaged in two complementary studies on the cost and effect of congestion in Chicago and the suburbs.  We will translate our findings into effective policy solutions that will make a real difference in your life and the future of our region. Make a contribution to MPC today>>

Re-connection is generously sponsored by:
John and Kathleen Buck

In the News

Available on MPC's Web site:

City links CTA improvements, higher parking fees
Crains Chicago Business, 4/29/2008

CHA board approves new rules for public housing residents
Chi-Town Daily News, 4/30/2008

Federal funding to ease Chicago traffic
WLS-Channel 7video clip, 4/29/2008

Available online for a limited time:

Chicago Riverwalk extension to begin in July
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/2008

What's in your water?
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/2008

Poverty up in suburbs, down in city
Southtown Star, 4/26/2008

Taking Back the Streets
New York Times, 4/6/2008

MetroNation, the new face of American cities
Seattle Times, 4/20/2008

Home Prices Drop Most in Areas with Long Commute
NPR – Morning Edition. 4/21/2008

Is Congestion Pricing Ready for Prime Time?
Planning Magazine, May 2008




In May, Chicago Matters will examine transportation programs.

Re-Connection past issues

February 2008 Vol 1 Issue 1

March 2008 Vol 1 Issue 2

April 2008 Vol 1 Issue 3



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