March 2009
Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is currently holding hearings around the state on HB1, which would raise the state’s gas tax by 8 cents.

Where We Stand

With Illinois’ transportation infrastructure ­– roads, bridges, and transit – literally crumbling, MPC has been a steadfast advocate for a new state capital investment program. MPC can support HB1 – but only if it incorporates accountability measures that will ensure smart spending of limited transportation dollars.  

Read about MPC’s position on HB1 >> 

Learn more about HB 2359, the Transportation Investment Accountability Act >> 

For an opportunity to learn about the priorities of the new Senate leadership, join us on Friday, March 20 at noon for MPC’s Legislative Forum, Making Sense of Springfield: A Progress Report from the Illinois Senate >> 


Project Progress Report

Since last fall, MPC and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus have been working with neighboring municipalities in the southern and near western suburbs to pilot an interjurisdictional approach to preserving new homes at risk, using new federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds. Now, these collaboratives are searching to fill the new Coordinator positions to ramp up the alignment of targeted housing programs, policies, and developer partnerships.

Last week, the State of Illinois released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for NSP funding, and Cook County will be doing the same in the coming weeks. The two collaboratives working with MPC and the Mayors Caucus will be applying for these funds to support their plans to strengthen neighborhoods weakened by foreclosure. Their new coordinators will be key to ensuring efficiency during the implementation of NSP and other priorities.

Learn more about the hiring plans and broader goals of two Cook County housing collaboratives, and why MPC and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus are squarely behind these efforts.


MPC Headlines

A sampling of new articles on MPC’s Web site.

Olympic Databook 2008
As Chicago campaigns to host the 2016 Olympic Games, communities close to proposed venues are grappling with how to ensure a lasting positive legacy of reinvestment. MPC’s Olympic Databook provides these 11 communities and other stakeholders with what they need to know to make smart decisions about their future growth. 

New tax credit boosts homeownership benefit
Employers can leverage new incentives authorized in the recently signed federal recovery package to support employee home purchases. 

Employer-Assisted Housing savings program helps Marriott win Best Place to Work award
MPC provides technical assistance to companies in the Chicago region and around the country, sharing best practices and innovative models. 

Vision Driving Development in Lawndale
MPC’s newest report, Vision Driving Development, summarizes the Corridor Development Initiative MPC co-hosted in Lawndale in 2008.  

Support Our Work

Make a contribution to MPC today in honor of its 75th and demonstrate your commitment to livable neighborhoods and sensible development that will remain attractive and viable long-term.

Upcoming events

Mar20 MPC 2009 Legislative Forum Making Sense of Springfield: A Progress Report from the Illinois Senate 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Mar21–22 Polish Triangle Placemaking Project Open House 10:00 AM–4:00 PM

More events »

In the News

MPC in the News

For the latest news and reports from MPC, visit our online Newsroom.

Cut stipends before increasing taxes
Daily Herald, 3/7/09 

A cure for congestion, but is Chicago ready?
Medill News Service, 3/5/09 

Roadways: ‘From bad to worse’
Crain’s Chicago Business 2/23/09 

CTA maintenance? Way short of the mark
Crain’s Chicago Business, 2/23/09 

News of Interest 

Bills would boost spending transparency, 3/6/09 

Obama’s energy goal: cheap renewable
The Swamp, Chicago Tribune’s D.C. blog, 3/5/09 

U.S. launches wide-ranging plan to steady housing market
The Washington Post, 3/5/09 

Illinois still has not submitted its list of transit projects for stimulus money
Chicago Tribune, 3/4/09 

A boost for the mileage tax
The Washington Post, 3/2/09 

Stimulus controls vital, but what about results?, 3/2/09

Re-Connection past issues

February 2008 Vol 1 Issue 1

March 2008 Vol 1 Issue 2

April 2008 Vol 1 Issue 3

May 2008 Vol 1 Issue 4

June 2008 Vol 1 Issue 5

July 2008 Vol 1 Issue 6

August 2008 Vol 1 Issue 7

September 2008 Vol 1 Issue 8

October 2008 Vol 1 Issue 9

November 2008 Vol 1 Issue 10

December 2008 Vol Issue 11

February 2009 Vol 2 Issue 2

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