July 2009 www.metroplanning.org
On Monday, July 13, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed the state's first major construction spending bill in a decade. Dubbed “Illinois Jobs Now,” it is a $31 billion public works program that is expected to create 439,000 jobs across the state and infuse much-needed capital into Illinois’ aging infrastructure.  

Where We Stand

After five years without a capital plan in Illinois, the Metropolitan Planning Council sees Gov. Quinn’s signing of the legislation as a mixed bag. The plus side: the package includes $160 million for water projects, about $18 billion for transportation, and, for the first time in any capital plan in Illinois, $130 million for housing. These investments will help leverage approximately $4 billion in federal funding and are paid for in part by transportation user fees.

The downside: unfortunately, money allocated by the new capital plan is not coupled with spending reforms to evaluate the merits of projects against state goals. HB2359 - now HB4590 - outlines a process by which transportation projects should be selected and evaluated. The bill should have been passed in tandem with the Illinois Jobs Now program. Since it was never called for a House vote, lawmakers did not have the opportunity to approve these critical reforms that would change the way we spend limited capital dollars.

Illinois can’t afford to spend unwisely. MPC is working hard to ensure Illinois is leveraging capital dollars to provide the greatest benefits, generate the most returns, and fund the types of infrastructure improvements that give this state a competitive and prosperous future.

Read about the Transportation Investment Accountability Act (formerly HB2359) >>

Project Progress Report

Earlier this year, MPC’s Placemaking Chicago led its first technical assistance project, at the Polish Triangle in Wicker Park. More than 700 residents participated in an open house, online survey, and online networking group to share their ideas for turning the Polish Triangle, located at the intersection of Division Street, Ashland Avenue, and Milwaukee Avenue, into a well-used public space. Suggestions have ranged from calming the traffic around the Triangle to planting flowers in the space – and everything in between. MPC is now working with a steering committee comprised of local aldermen Manny Flores (1st Ward) and Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward), WPB (the Special Service Area for the Wicker Park and Bucktown Neighborhoods), and other local stakeholders to put some of the ideas in action. 

Read more about MPC’s Polish Triangle Project >>

MPC is accepting applications for additional Placemaking technical assistance. Learn more and download an application >>

Don’t miss your chance to shine the spotlight on your favorite public space.  The deadline for MPC’s “What Makes Your Place Great?” photo and video contest is July 27.  Visit PlacemakingChicago.com to learn more >>


MPC Headlines

MPC launches Logan Square Corridor Development Initiative
MPC is teaming up with 35th Ward Ald. Rey Colón this summer to engage residents in the future development of Logan Square.


Robbins forges new interjurisdictional partnership to redevelop Metra stop
Consistent with the recommendations of MPC’s Community Building Initiative Task Force, Robbins plans to collaborate with Blue Island to commit federal funds to the acquisition and development of the area around the Robbins Metra station.

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Re-connection is generously sponsored by:
John and Kathleen Buck

Upcoming events

Jul24 The Creative City: Keeping Chicago Vibrant and Viable - Cablecast Info 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Aug11 Pay the Freight: Rail Infrastructure Investments in Canada and U.S. 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Aug17 Reinventing Public Investment: Better Choices for a Better Chicagoland series Sustainable Choices for a Greener Chicago Region 12:00 PM–1:30 PM

More events »

In the News

MPC in the News
What Beazer homes hath wrought
Charlotte Observer, 7/4/09

Affordable housing incentives on Glencoe agenda July 6
Glencoe News, 7/2/09

Local Transit Advocates Cautiously Endorse New Transportation Bill
Progress Illinois, 7/1/09

Transportation Funding Needs Reform to Optimize Illinois Impact
Gapers Block, 7/1/09

South suburbs honored for housing collaboration
The Times of Northwest Indiana, 7/1/09

Five cool things Chicago has done to make housing better
One Story Up, 6/30/09

A great space to tell us about great places
Chicago Tribune, Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn, 6/29/09

South suburban communities helping people walk, bike, ride their way to savings
South Suburban News, 6/25/09

A garden grows in Cabrini Green
One Story Up, 6/23/09

A helping hand
Chicago Tribune, 6/13/09

The best place in town
Chicago Sun-Times, 6/13/09

Great Places in Logan Square
Peopling Places, 6/13/09

My Space
Next American City, 6/10/09

News of Interest
Like 'SimCity' for grown-ups
Elgin Courier News, 7/13/09

High Speed Rail Roundup
The Urbanophile, 7/11/09

Global Gridlock
Creative Class, 7/9/09

CTA debuts first of 58 new green buses
Crain’s Chicago Business, 7/6/09

Re-Connection past issues

February 2008 Vol 1 Issue 1

March 2008 Vol 1 Issue 2

April 2008 Vol 1 Issue 3

May 2008 Vol 1 Issue 4

June 2008 Vol 1 Issue 5

July 2008 Vol 1 Issue 6

August 2008 Vol 1 Issue 7

September 2008 Vol 1 Issue 8

October 2008 Vol 1 Issue 9

November 2008 Vol 1 Issue 10

December 2008 Vol Issue 11

February 2009 Vol 2 Issue 2

March 2009 Vol 2 Issue 3

April 2009 Vol 2 Issue 4

May 2009 Vol 2 Issue 5 

June 2009 Vol 2 Issue 6

MPC leadership

Board of Governors

Executive Advisors

Sign up for Talking Transit

With policy debates, legislative changes, and similar issues being tackled in other parts of the world, it is difficult to stay on top of current events in the transportation field. To help, MPC publishes Talking Transit, a useful online resource of important local, national and international news from various sources, which highlights significant events in transportation and land use. Sign up for Talking Transit.

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Invent the Future

How should the region plan for the year 2040? This summer, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) will hold dozens of free public workshops called GO TO 2040 "Invent the Future". Information you contribute at these meetings will help CMAP develop a preferred scenario that will best reflect the region's desired future. Visit goto2040.org for more information.

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