February 2010 www.metroplanning.org

This week the U.S. Dept. of Transportation (U.S. DOT) announced $1.5 billion in Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants to 51 innovative projects across the United States, including three in Illinois. Competition was fierce: More than 1,400 applicants requested funding for $60 billion worth of projects — some 40 times the available amount. One of the biggest winners was the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program to reinvest in this region's rail freight infrastructure.

Where We Stand

By awarding the nation's second-largest TIGER grant to CREATE, the federal government rightfully signaled that this effort to untangle freight gridlock in metropolitan Chicago, the only place where all of the nation's Class-A railroads intersect, is a project of national significance. CREATE not only will result in moving goods through this region faster, but it also will greatly benefit drivers and commuter rail passengers by unclogging roads and rail lines. What's more, MPC commends U.S. DOT for inviting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to review the TIGER grant applicants to ensure the winning projects truly contribute to more sustainable, livable and economically competitive communities.

Read more — Illinois receives federal funds to untangle freight and commuter gridlock >>

Project Progress Report

MPC staff and volunteers are spending time in Springfield this session to advocate for several refroms to state water supply planning, pedestrian safety, transportation funding, public transit, workforce housing, and regional planning. These initiatives cost little to nothing to implement, and all of them would produce long-term economic benefits by advancing goal-driven, right-sized and coordinated policy objectives.

Read more about MPC’s 2010 legislative agenda, including details on specific bills >>

MPC’s advocacy supports policies and investments that shape a more sustainable and prosperous Chicago region. Make a contribution to MPC today >>

MPC Headlines

Model housing strategies in north and south suburbs share common theme: collaboration

Despite Illinois’ famous appetite for local control, with more units of local government than any other state, a new way of doing business — municipal collaboration — is proving effective, attracting both resources and media attention.

Transit takes center stage during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games

To keep athletes, media representatives, fans, and volunteers moving to various Olympic sites, Vancouver’s plan included a $157 million investment in the city’s transportation network.

The fast track to high-speed rail

On Jan. 28, President Obama announced $8 billion in high-speed rail grants to 31 states along 13 major rail corridors. The Midwest region was awarded almost $2.6 billion for four major corridors: Chicago-St. Louis-Kansas City, Minneapolis-Milwaukee-Chicago, Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati, and Detroit-Chicago.

MPC's response to 'Privatize Illinois' tollways? Voters say no'

This letter to the editor ran in the Chicago Tribune on Feb. 9.

Principles of Placemaking

Each month, Re-Connection will feature an inspiring true story of people making a changes in their communities. These profiles embody the 11 Principles of Placemaking, and show that working with people who share your passion and vision can make anything possible. Read the latest stories from students of the Poder Learning Center's English as a Second Language classes about their favorite places in Chicago, “Nuestro Retrato: Pilsen” and “Nuestro Retrato: Montrose Beach” >>

From the Blog

2010 Census will provide critical data, paint 'America's portrait'
High-speed rail: On track to revitalize communities?
Winter water woes worsen ... but why?
MPC in pictures: Whistler Crossing development achieves LEED-ND status
National Housing Institute's blog shines light on regional foreclosure recovery efforts
Tribune article highlights Lake Forest's 'model' housing plan
Another nod to community collaboration
U.S. DOT budget bringing 'infrastructure of tomorrow' to region
MPC's EAH initiative yields successful homebuyers in Nevada
A look at the past, an eye toward the future
MPC in D.C.: Reforming water infrastructure funding
MPC in D.C.: Supporting livable communities
MPC in Springfield: Cheap is good, free is better

Upcoming events

Feb 24 Illinois Housing Conference Annual Meeting and Conference 8:30 AM–5:00 PM

More events »

In the News

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MPC in the News

Stadium-goers to get benefit of stimulus funds
Chicago Tribune, 2/18/10

Planning your planting? Add a rain garden or barrel
Chicago Sun-Times, 2/9/10

Voice of the people: Public-private partnerships
Chicago Tribune, 2/9/10

Despite Missing Out On NSP2, There’s Still Much Work To Do in Chicago Suburbs
Rooflines, 2/7/10

Lake Forest looking for new affordability
Chicago Tribune, 2/7/10

The value of water
Chicago Tribune, 2/3/10

Emerging from Chicago’s Shadow
Shelterforce, 1/15/10

News of Interest
Illinois Foreclosures Climb, Bucking the National Trend
Chicago Public Radio - Metro Desk, 2/15/10

Unions, elites could get CTA on track
Chicago Sun-Times, 2/15/10

Can living near a train station save you from foreclosure?
Chicago Sun-Times, 2/15/10

Engineer group gives Illinois infrastructure low marks
The State Journal-Register, 2/11/10

Pedestrian Advocates Push for Tougher Crosswalk Laws
Chicago Neighborhood News Bureau, 2/11/10

CMAP is holding bi-weekly event planning sessions tackling various focus areas of GO TO 2040. The first discussion will focus on the Regional Water Supply. Learn more >>


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Board of Governors
Executive Advisors


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