June 2010 www.metroplanning.org

On Monday, MPC hosted its 2010 Annual Luncheon, featuring Illinois’ U.S. Senate candidates Alexi Giannoulias (D), Mark Kirk (R), and LeAlan Jones (Green). Before a crowd of nearly 900 Chicago-area corporate, civic, government and community leaders, the candidates presented their positions on supporting the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's efforts in metropolitan Chicago, advancing the federal Livable Communities Act to create more sustainable communities nationwide, funding Illinois’ massive infrastructure needs, and keeping our water supply — the envy of the nation — safe and abundant.

Where We Stand

MPC was honored to have three candidates for U.S. Senate take time not only to participate in the Annual Luncheon discussion, but to prepare thoughtful responses to some pretty meaty policy questions. MPC also was heartened to hear all three of the candidates unequivocally support regional planning and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.

CMAP’s GO TO 2040 is metropolitan Chicago's first truly comprehensive regional growth plan. It is an ambitious, coordinated set of strategies to address projected population growth of 2.8 million new residents over the next 30 years, which has enormous implications for transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues. Federal support for metropolitan planning organizations like CMAP to program and disburse federal funds is critical to empowering and sustaining the entire Chicagoland area.

Read what the candidates had to say in response to all of MPC’s questions >

Watch video of the candidates at MPC’s Annual Luncheon >

View photos of the luncheon >

Read news coverage of the luncheon >

Read MPC President MarySue Barrett’s takeaways from the luncheon >

Thank you to the dozens of generous sponsors who supported the MPC Annual Luncheon this year, our only annual fundraising event.As a charitable organization, we continue to need to raise funds to do our work the whole year round. Your gift makes a difference! Donate today >

Project Progress Report

At MPC’s Annual Luncheon on Monday, emcee Lynn Sweet asked candidates what they would do, if elected Illinois’ U.S. Senator, to promote the Livable Communities Act and engage employers in boosting economic sectors while contributing to healthier communities.

Introduced in the Senate by U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) and in the House by Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.), the Livable Communities Act would provide resources to communities and regions to coordinate land use, housing, transportation, and infrastructure planning. MPC, National Housing Conference, and partners around the country have proposed including language in the bill that would encourage employer-assisted housing (EAH) programs and otherwise engage employers as advocates for livable communities.

Illinois’ EAH programs have become a model for the nation, not only by helping 2,200 people afford housing costs, but also by helping achieve location efficiency, financial literacy, housing affordability in hot markets, community revitalization, public housing integration, transit-oriented development, live-near-work options, and more.

Please contact your legislators and urge them to support the Livable Communities Act and include incentives for employer engagement and EAH programs in the legislation. Read Sen. Dodd’s statement delivered at a June 9 Senate Banking Committee hearing.

Learn what else MPC is doing to advocate for federal reforms that support sustainable communities and regions.


2010 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning presented to Whistler Crossing, Riverdale, Ill.
The Metropolitan Planning Council and the 2010 Annual Luncheon Presenting Sponsor PNC awarded the 2010 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning to the Whistler Crossing development in south suburban Riverdale, Ill.

Charting a new course for the Chicago River
The Chicago River has been in the public eye in the past few weeks, a spotlight it too rarely enjoys. MPC took the opportunity at our recent Annual Luncheon to have Illinois’ U.S. Senate candidates Alexi Giannoulias (D), Mark Kirk (R), and LeAlan Jones (Green) weigh in on the future of the river.

Building better cities for better Great Lakes
Read more about Infrastructures for Change, a three-way effort with our friends at Archeworks and Openlands.

MPC working with Gary, NWI partners on economic development roadmap

In recent months, MPC has been working in partnership with The Times of Northwest Indiana, as well as community, business, institutional and state leaders in northwest Indiana to identify opportunities to strengthen this vital part of the region.

Are shop windows a thing of the past or the future?
MPC Committee Member Mike Toolis gave a thought-provoking analysis of the impact building design has on pedestrian experience at MPC’s Talking the Walk roundtable on April 21.What are some of most innovative uses of storefronts you’ve seen?

New report offers promising strategies to address foreclosures
PolicyLink has released a set of recommendations to help communities respond to foreclosures, in a new report titled When Investors Buy Up the Neighborhood: Strategies to Prevent Investor Ownership from Causing Neighborhood Decline.

Upcoming events

Jul 8 MPC Roundtable
The Road Less Traveled: Understanding Congestion Pricing
12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Aug 3 MPC and Openlands Roundtable
Down the Drain, Up in Smoke: Exploring the Water-Energy Nexus in the Chicago Region
12:00 PM–1:30 PM

More events »

In the News

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MPC in the News
Kirk, Giannoulias trade views and barbs at election forum
Daily Herald, June 21, 2010

Riverdale development garners two awards
South Suburban News, June 23, 2010

Kirk ducks questions about military record
Channel 7, WLS-TV, June 21, 2010

Riverdale wins coveted Burnham Award
Northwest Indiana Times, June 21, 2010

Obama's Former Senate Seat Up For Grabs
All things Considered, June 22, 2010

Undiscovered Chicago
WGN, June 22, 2010

Senate candidates square off at MPC luncheon
Midwest Real Estate News, June 21, 2010

It Pays to Help Workers Buy a Home
Businessweek, June 10, 2010

2010 State of the Nation’s Housing
National Multi Housing Council, June 21, 2010

HUD Will Use LEED-ND to Select Sustainable Community Grants
The Dirt, 6/16/2010

125,000 apply for CHA spots, desperate for affordable housing
One Story Up, June 18, 2020

Making Normal, Illinois the new “norm” for transportation planning
Transportation for America blog, June 7, 2010



Nominate Chicagoland’s Best "Undiscovered" Public Space
Enter the "What Makes Your Place Great?: Your Secret Corner of Chicagoland" contest!

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