Recorded Nov. 27, 2012
Northeastern Illinois' precipitation patterns are trending toward longer periods without rain (e.g. this summer's drought) with sudden bursts of rapid, intense rainfall that overloads local and regional sewer systems, causing back-ups to basements and discharges to waterways.
The State of Illinois provides some investment assistance through the State Revolving Fund and Illinois Green Infrastructure Grant, and in some cases (such as the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago) a regional entity exists to help coordinate stormwater management. Ultimately, however, wet weather must be managed locally at the municipal, neighborhood and property level. The more coordinated and concentrated the approach — say, multiple investments in the same neighborhood — the greater the impact.
This MPC and Openlands roundtable will feature state, local and private sector leaders working to plan, fund and implement stormwater solutions. What has Illinois learned from two years of the Ill. Green Infrastructure Grant? How might that affect green infrastructure priorities for the State Revolving Fund? Given limited financial resources, how can communities prioritize the location and type of green infrastructure to invest in? What are some proven strategies for encouraging private property investment in improved stormwater management?
**Governor Quinn's new Clean Water Initiative and the $1 billion expansion of the revolving loan fund wil also be discussed.
Keynote Speaker
Amy Walkenbach, Watershed Management Director, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Aaron Consentino, Management Analyst, City of Elgin
Josh Ellis, Program Director, Metropolitan Planning Council
Jeffrey Wickenkamp, Vice President, Hey and Associates