Terms of use - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Terms of use

The Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) maintains this Web site for the convenience MPC's members, other organizations and interested individuals. By accessing this site you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated in these Terms of Use, which include the MPC Privacy Policy. If you do not wish these Terms of Use to apply to you, do not use the site.

1. Proprietary Materials

The entire contents of this site (including all information, software, displays, images and audio), and their design, selection and arrangement (collectively, the "Content"), are proprietary to MPC or its licensors and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries.

You may not commercially exploit any part of this site or the Content. You may not modify the Content. You may make copies of the Content only for non-commercial use. Any other use or modification of any content without MPC's consent constitutes an infringement of MPC's intellectual property and other proprietary rights. All authorized copies of any Content must display the original copyright notice, trademark legend, author attribution or other notice placed on such Content.

"Metropolitan Planning Council," "MPC" and the associated logos and other marks identified in this site as MPC's are MPC trademarks. You may not use such marks without MPC's prior written permission. All other names, brands and marks are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2. Usage Restrictions

You may use this site and the Content only in accordance with these Terms of Use, any other terms applicable to particular features of this site and all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

3. External Links

For your convenience, MPC provides hyperlinks to other Web sites that contain information we believe may be of interest to you. We also provide hyperlinks to Web sites of our sponsors. MPC is not responsible for any Web sites to which you may link from our site, including, but not limited to, the availability of such third-party sites; their treatment of your personally identifiable information; their use of cookies; or the information, products, services, content or other materials on or available from such sites. If you would like information on any other site's terms and conditions of use or its privacy policy, you should contact that site directly.

4. Downloading and Use of Materials

You assume the full responsibility and risk for any damage resulting from your downloading or use of any information, software or other materials through this site.

5. Submission of Materials

If you submit any comments or other materials to MPC through this site (e.g., a comment to our Instant Poll), by submitting such materials you are: (i) authorizing MPC to publish all or portions of such materials on its Web site and in other publications, together with your name, and (ii) warranting that the materials are your original work or that you otherwise have the right to submit them to MPC and to authorize MPC to publish them. MPC reserves the right to determine whether to publish some or all of any materials submitted to it, and to remove any materials it does publish at any time.

6. Disclaimer

This site and the Content are provided on an "as is," "as available" basis. MPC disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to this site and the Content, and the use thereof, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

7. Compliance with Law

You access this site at your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of all relevant jurisdictions, including, without limitation, laws and regulations regarding the transmission of data or information out of the country in which you reside.

8. These Terms of Use Apply to All Users

Your use of this site constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Use, including, but not limited to, the MPC Privacy Policy. MPC expressly reserves the right to make changes to these Terms of Use and this site and its contents, and to restrict service or access to any part of this site, for any reason, at any time, without prior notice. Changes in these Terms of Use are effective immediately upon posting of the modified text on this site.

9. General

You agree that these Terms of Use, and any operating rules posted on this site, describe the entire agreement between us with respect to their subject matter. This site was created and is operated under the laws of the State of Illinois, which will govern these Terms of Use, without giving effect to any principles of conflict of laws. Although you acknowledge that we have the ability to enforce our rights in any court of competent jurisdiction, you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Chicago, Illinois regarding any and all disputes relating to these Terms of Use, the Content or any part of this site.

If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable, we both agree that the other provisions of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect. You acknowledge and agree that the warranty disclaimers are material terms of these Terms of Use and that they have been taken into account in the decision by MPC to provide this site.

This page can be found online at http://archive.metroplanning.org/terms.html

Metropolitan Planning Council 140 S. Dearborn St.
Suite 1400
Chicago, Ill. 60603
312 922 5616 info@metroplanning.org

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