Active State Bills MPC Supports - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Active State Bills MPC Supports

101st General Assembly, Updated March 2019

Illinois House of Representatives

HB43 | Southland Property Tax Program

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Anthony DeLuca (D-Chicago Heights)

Short Description: Creates property tax break program to incentivize real estate development on vacant property in South Cook County.

HB242 | School Report Card: Lead in Chicago

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Mary E. Flowers (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires Chicago schools to test for and report levels of lead in drinking water.

HB307 | Citizens Empowerment Act

Lead Sponsor: Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills)

Short Description: Creates a statewide petition and ballot referendum process for dissolving a unit of local government.

HB348 | McHenry Township & District Dissolution 

Lead Sponsor: Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills)

Creates a process for McHenry County to dissolve townships and road districts.

HB825 | Municipal Code (Stormwater Disposal)

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Anthony DeLuca (D-Chicago Heights)

Short Description: Creates pathway for municipalities to charge fees for maintenance of stormwater infrastructure. Companion to SB213.

HB884 | Local Infrastructure Loan Program

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Michael T. Marron (R-Fithian) 

Short Description: Creates a low-interest loan program to fund local infrastructure improvement.

HB926 | Human Rights in Real Estate

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Curtis J. Tarver, II (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Makes it a human rights violation to discriminate in housing transactions based on source of income in the state of Illinois.

HB2104 |  Low-income Water Assistance Program 

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Sonya M. Harper (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to conduct a study on feasibility of a water assistance program for low income communities.

HB2128 | Tax Incentive for Lead Pipe Removal

Lead Sponsor: Rep. John C. D'Amico (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates tax credit to incentivize replacement of lead service lines.

HB2168 | Property Tax Break (Rental Housing)

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates property tax break to incentivize retention of affordable units in newly constructed or rehabilitated multifamily buildings in Cook County.

HB2265 | School Code (Civics Course)

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Camille Y. Lilly (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates statewide civics education requirement in middle school.

HB2299 | Eviction (Seal & Impound File)

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Delia C. Ramirez (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Protects tenants by sealing eviction court proceedings and decisions in certain circumstances.

HB2533| Transportation Benefit Program

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Theresa Mah (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Incentivizes transit ridership by providing a state tax deduction for the cost of a transit pass. 

HB2650 | IEPA Usage of the Water Revolving Fund

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Robert Rita (D-Blue Island) 

Short Description: Creates opportunities for technical assistance to low-capacity water systems by expanding the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s usage of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

HB2759 | Illinois Water Survey (Water Rates) 

Lead Sponsor: Rep. La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates program to study water rate-setting in the state. Companion bill to SB1724.

HB2864 | Mileage Tax

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates pilot program for mileage-based user fees. Tabled.

HB3327 | Lead in Drinking Water (Parks)

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires all parks and recreation centers to test for and report lead in drinking water. Companion bill to SB1270.

HB3612 | High Speed Railway Commission

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Martin J. Moylan (D-Des Plaines)

Short Description: Creates High Speed Railway Commission to study feasibility of high speed rail line connection Chicago and St. Louis. Companion bill to SB1988.

Illinois Senate

SB90 | Disolution of Drainage Districts

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods)

Short Description: Creates pathway for dissolution of drainage districts.

SB213 | Municipal Code (Stormwater Disposal)

Lead Sponsor: Sen. David Koehler (D-Peoria)

Short Description: Creates pathway for municipalities to charge fees for maintenance of stormwater infrastructure. Companion to HB825.

SB1215 | Unit of Local Goverment Prohibition 

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Thomas Cullerton (D-Villa Park)

Short Description: Prohibits Illinois Legislature from creating any new units of local government until 2022.

SB1270 | Lead in Drinking Water (Parks)

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Robert Peters (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires all parks and recreation centers to test for and report lead in drinking water. Companion bill to HB3327.

SB1287 | School Code: Superintendent Agreement

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris)

Short Description: Creates authorization process for school boards to share the services of a superintendent or other administrator.

SB1352 | Wetlands Protection Act

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Laura Fine (D-Glenview)

Short Description: Creates statewide wetlands protections in line with current United States Environmental Protection Agency rules.

SB1532 | Lead Service Line Replacement

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Heather A. Steans (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires community water supplies to identify and replace all lead service lines that connect to a water main.

SB1724 | Illinois Water Survey (Water Rates)

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey)

Short Description: Creates program to study water rate-setting in the state. Companion bill to HB2759.

SB1786 | Vehicle Code: License to Work Act

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Omar Aquino (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Eliminates driver’s license suspension as a penalty for most non-driving violations, including ticketing and fees. Reinstates licenses of drivers whose licenses have been suspended for such violation.

SB1876 | Property Flood Disclosure

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris)

Short Description: Requires landlords to disclose risk of flooding to tenants.

SB1988 | High Speed Railway Commission

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Creates High Speed Railway Commission to study feasibility of high speed rail line connection Chicago and St. Louis. Companion bill to HB3612.

SB2015 | Public Transit (Student Fares)

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Provides for free fares for specified elementary and high school students on days when school is in session on public transportation.

SB2016 | Supplemental Funding for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Sets aside 2 percent of the total appropriation from the Road Fund for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, streetscape projects, and the conversion of abandoned railroad corridors to trails.

SB2144 | Complete Streets Act 

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Requires the Department of Transportation to use federal or State funds allocated for transportation projects to improve safety, access, and mobility for users of the various modes of transportation. Also requires creation of advisory board.

SJ24 | Illinois Department of Transportation: Complete Streets (Bicycles)

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago)

Short Description: Urges the Illinois Department of Transportation to take certain steps to advance implementation of the State's Complete Streets Law and 2012 bicycle plan.

SR52 | Nutrient Loss Reduction

Lead Sponsor: Sen. Scott M. Bennett (D-Champaign)

Short Description: Supports the Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy and the work of stakeholders on the continued implementation of the Strategy.

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