T4America's James Corless on implementing GO TO 2040 - Metropolitan Planning Council

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T4America's James Corless on implementing GO TO 2040

James Corless, director of Transportation for America, speaks about the need for a new federal transportation bill and its importance to the GO TO 2040 plan. Corless spoke at an MPC-CMAP roundtable on March 25, 2011, part two of our ongoing series of roundtables about implementing the GO TO 2040 plan.

"The President has said he wants to reward ... regions that do better planning. The future of transportation funding is not going to be in formula entitlement grants. It's going to be in competitive grants," said Corless. "The Chicago region, with our GO TO 2040 plan, I think is in a great position to be competing for some of these national grants."

This page can be found online at http://archive.metroplanning.org/multimedia/video/497

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