Chicago Matters series examines housing troubles, solutions - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Chicago Matters series examines housing troubles, solutions

The 2002 Chicago matters "Inside Housing" series includes TV documentaries, radio features, programs at the Chicago Public Libary and articles in the Chicago Reporter.

Each year, the Chicago Community Trust funds "Chicago Matters," an in-depth exploration of one issue of critical importance to the Chicago region. This year, "Inside Housing" looks at the many facets of the housing problem in our region.  During April, May and June, publications, events and broadcasts on WBEZ 91.5 FM and WTTW Channel 11, at the Chicago Public Library, and in the Chicago Reporter magazine will explore the problems and local solutions.  

For more information, visit the Chicago Matters Web site.   
The recently released 2000 Census corroborates the findings of MPC's 1999 Regional Rental Market Analysis, that there is a stark mismatch between the demand for housing and local supply. The consequences of this mismatch limited housing options in high job growth areas, traffic congestion and segregated communities, to name a few  undermine our strength as a region. These problems are not simply the result of economic factors. Public and political will to improve the region's housing options have been lacking, too often influenced by negative stereotypes.

Encouraging momentum, however, is growing.

In April of 2001, the Illinois Housing Development Authority approved $268,000 in matching funds for employers working with MPC and eight housing counseling organizations that comprise REACH, the Regional Employer Assisted Collaboration for Housing. These state funds attract and leverage private sector dollars by matching an employer's investment in down-payment assistance, and covering partial counseling costs provided by REACH partners. Bank One, the Villages of St Charles and Riverdale, Northwest Community Healthcare, and Mount Sinai Hospital are all launching Employer-Assisted Housing programs in 2002.

In August of 2001, Gov. George H. Ryan signed into law the State Donations Tax Credit Act for affordable housing, which allocates $13 million in foregone state income taxes to affordable housing. Two million of those dollars are set aside for employer-assisted housing programs. Another $1 million is reserved for technical assistance akin to that provided by MPC and its REACH partners.

In October of 2001, REACH, received the prestigious BP Leaders Award, strengthening the capacity of participating community-based partners and opening doors to expand this proven strategy throughout the region. MPC's pilot employer-assisted housing partnership with System Sensor in St. Charles saved the company $200,000 in reduced recruitment and training costs over the first two years and helped 36 workers become homeowners.

Last month, the new Housing Task Force of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus finalized a Housing Action Agenda for 2002 and adopted Housing Endorsement Criteria to guide new developments.  The entire Mayors Caucus followed suit. With 273 different municipalities each making their own housing and land-use decisions, this kind of regional commitment on the part of municipal leaders is essential.

This progress is the result of the work of many, including business leaders who have educated themselves and spoken out about the fundamental role housing plays in attracting and expanding the region's workforce. Together with municipal, civic, community and faith-based leaders, this broad new base of housing activists is making a difference.

This Chicago Matters series will be a valuable resource in the ongoing housing dialogue, engaging broader audiences and educating them about the history, challenges and value of our local housing stock. So please ... spread the word, and tune in!




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