A new publication explores the array of social services available to relocating families, households served by the Service Connector program, and residents living in mixed-income communities.
Apart from the physical redevelopment of its housing stock and the internal
reform of the agency itself, a significant goal of the Chicago Housing Authority
(CHA) Plan for Transformation is to create job opportunities and promote
self-sufficiency for families living in public housing.
Through a reformed
management model, instead of providing social services
directly — as was the case before the onset of the Plan for Transformation
in 1999 — the CHA now contracts and coordinates with
specialized public, private and nonprofit agencies. The success of this model
requires close coordination of development efforts, service delivery, property
management, and resident engagement, with the CHA providing oversight in its new
asset manager role.
With its July 2005 CHA Plan for Transformation Update,
MPC aims to provide available data on the status of these efforts, while
revisiting the key principles
outlined by the Council in
2000, at the outset of the Plan, specifically to:
- Ensure quality supportive services are accessible to
- Handle relocation fairly and compassionately and on a
realistic timetable.
- Institute strong accountability mechanisms.
The Update includes information on social services
available to relocating families, households served by the Service Connector program,
and residents
living in mixed-income communities. It also provides policy recommendations to
improve the system.
to download the July
2005 CHA Plan for Transformation Update in pdf format.