Special Series, Part 4: Make or Break – Year One of the Regional Planning Board - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Special Series, Part 4: Make or Break – Year One of the Regional Planning Board

The fourth in the series: Governor Blagojevich has proposed a $3.2 billion state capital package.

For years, neighboring communities have had to compete with each other to attract the most tax dollars, often at the expense of local quality of life, economic development, school excellence, personal and social health, and basic needs like water and sewage. While some competition among municipalities is healthy, it's become increasingly clear that any local victories are fleeting; we're racing our neighbors to the bottom as long as we allow our region to fragment and decay. Thankfully, Chicagoland has an historic opportunity to unite and regain our competitive edge through the development of a strong Regional Planning Board. The state legislature has given the board just one year to develop a plan for success. This series, "Make or Break – Year One of the Regional Planning Board," analyzes the issues the board must tackle in the months ahead.

Faith-Based Planning: Will the governor’s proposed capital package deliver?

Illinois is long overdue for a new state capital package to fund transportation and school construction. In early January, Gov. Blagojevich’s announced a new effort to pass a $3.2 billion bond program to fund a recently released list of transportation and school—and now church—construction projects. Much of the recent press attention has focused on the governor’s plan to use revenues from an expanded keno program to fund school construction. But the keno debate masks the real story: legislators are being pressured to spend the little money the state has—and some it doesn’t—out of faith that the state will move forward on projects for their districts, regardless of whether the complete list of projects adds up to a fast, efficient, and safe transportation system.

While legislators debate whether they will support the governor’s proposal, Chicago Metropolis 2020, the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, and MPC – the Business Leaders for Transportation co-leaders – are promoting a better process for creating a new state capital package. Business Leaders for Transportation has long advocated for a new state capital package to continue the good work begun with Illinois FIRST and take advantage of the federal funding Illinois’ congressional delegation worked so hard to secure. Business Leaders was instrumental in passing Illinois FIRST (Fund for Infrastructure, Roads, Schools, and Transit) in 1999, the historic state capital package in 1999 that provided $12 billion for projects, including $6 billion for transportation improvements. Now, as part of its work to shape a new state capital funding program, Business Leaders has released “Guiding Principles for the Next State Capital Program.” The document calls upon the state to adhere to four basic principles:

1. Use an accountable and transparent planning process

2. Invest in transit, roads and freight

3. Support the program with new revenue

4. Emphasize innovation

The governor and state legislature have the tools to plan before they spend: Just last fall, they created the historic Regional Planning Board. The board has been hard at work crafting its action plan for the year. As part of its work plan, it will have to decide how it wants to be involved in state capital plan packages. In the words of Mayor Gerald Bennett, chair of the board, the Regional Planning Board has the potential to be the “dreamworks” of planning bodies in the nation. Certainly, the board has the potential to be the strong voice that we can trust to satisfy our region’s hunger for a coordinated menu of healthy servings of transit, plentiful housing options, refreshingly clean water, and fresh school choices.

Click here to read Business Leaders for Transportation’s “Guiding Principles for the Next State Capital Program.”

Click here to read “Frequently Asked Questions for Governor Rod R. Blagojevich’s Proposed Capital Package,” prepared by Chicago Metropolis 2020 and MPC.

Click here to read the Metropolitan Planning Council’s “Transportation Investment Criteria.”

Click here to read about Illinois FIRST, the state’s last capital package.

Click here to read the Regional Planning Board’s Action Plan for 2006.

Click here for the full “Make or Break – Year One of the Regional Planning Board” series.

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