Opportunity knocks: MPC releases 2008 policy agenda - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Opportunity knocks: MPC releases 2008 policy agenda

MPC's 2008 policy proposals address issues top of mind with voters during this election year, including climate change, the weakened economy, and housing meltdown.

MPC has just released its 2008 Policy Agenda - Opportunity Knocks, a 12-month roadmap for developing, advocating for, and implementing policies that address issues affecting the Chicago region, including a slow housing market, high rates of foreclosures, unprecedented and uncoordinated land consumption, and crushing traffic gridlock.

In 2008, MPC will focus on advancing policies that:

  • increase transportation options– including walking, riding bikes, and taking transit – for residents and businesses across metropolitan Chicago, both to reduce congestion and curb emissions;
  • create more great places in Illinois by identifying and promotinglow-cost, but highly effective strategies to improve planning efforts at the local, regional and state level; and
  • engage the private sector in financing innovations that will serve and stabilize thelocal workforce, including affordable housing and transportation options.

Policy proposals set forth by MPC are built on a foundation of consensus-building. By partnering with civic organizations, community groups, business leaders, and government agencies during all three stages of policy development – research, advocacy and implementation – MPC for decadeshasbeen an effective agent for regional policy change.

For more information about MPC's Policy Agenda - Opportunity Knocks , contact Peter Skosey , vice president of external relations, at (312) 863-6004 or pskosey@metroplanning.org.

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