Miss a recent MPC event? Catch up with Chicago Amplified - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Miss a recent MPC event? Catch up with Chicago Amplified

If the hectic holiday season caused you to miss one of MPC’s 2008 year-end events, resolve to catch up in the New Year by downloading audio recordings of MPC roundtables and conferences, complements of Chicago Public Radio’s Chicago Amplified.

We can’t all be everywhere at once – but that doesn’t mean we have to miss out.

That’s the philosophy behind Chicago Public Radio’s Chicago Amplified program. Through Chicago Amplified, the station records events and programs across metropolitan Chicago, and makes them available to listeners via an online audio archive.

MPC is a proud partner of Chicago Amplified, which means that if you can’t make it to an MPC roundtable or conference, you can still listen and learn at your convenience, either on your computer or portable MP3 player.

In November and December 2008, MPC hosted two roundtables and a conference, all three of which were recorded by Chicago Amplified:

Around the World in 90 Minutes: Infrastructure Best Practices Across the Globe: Don’t have the time to travel the globe to learn about planning and development trends? MPC saves you the hassle with this 90-minute “whirlwind tour” presented by Jacques Gordon, global investment strategist with LaSalle Investment Management; Randy Blankenhorn, executive director of Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning; and Mary Ludgin, director of global investment research for Heitman.

Off the Record: Post-Election Analysis from Reporters’ Eye View: CBS 2’s Michael Flannery, Alden Loury of The Chicago Reporter , and Dennis Rodkin of Chicago Magazine discuss how media coverage of urban and metropolitan issues affected the November presidential election; and how they think President-elect Barack Obama will work with Congress to develop federal strategies to support Chicagoland and growing regions.

Rebuilding and Renewing America: Infrastructure Choices in the Great Lakes Megaregion / An America 2050 Forum: During this all-day symposium, some 250 Great Lakes infrastructure experts came together to discuss and prioritize strategic investments in transportation, water and energy to be included in a national infrastructure plan, authorization of a new surface transportation bill, pending climate change legislation, and implementation of the Great Lakes Compact. The full day’s audio is available in segments.

To stay informed about MPC events, subscribe to Re-Connection, MPC's monthly e-newsletter, by e-mailing reconnection@metroplanning.org with subscribe in the subject.

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