Third in a series to discuss transportation issues vital to area businesses
After New York City, northeastern Illinois
is the second largest transit provider in the nation. Commuters and their
employers depend on that transportation network to keep business moving in the
Chicago region.
congressional leaders work to find consensus on funding for the next federal
transportation bill — which could have a dramatic effect on future transit
service — Business Leaders for Transportation is bringing together members of
the Illinois delegation and their area business leaders to rally around
investment priorities for the region.
On Monday,
Nov. 17, at Northwestern University in Evanston, U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky
(D-Chicago) will be the featured speaker at the third of six public forums with
members of Congress to address transportation issues important to the local
business community. Co-sponsors of the forum are CenterPoint Properties,
Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce
& Industry, DevNorth Corp., Edgewater Development Corporation, Evanston
Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association,
Transportation Center at Northwestern University, Transportation for Illinois
Coalition, Uptown Chamber of Commerce,
Community Development Corporation,
and West Ridge Chamber of
“The Chicago region has one of the best
transit systems in the country, but to keep it that way we need to make sure the
new Federal legislation meets our needs, and that we have enough local and state
dollars to match the federal funds,” said Jim LaBelle, deputy director of
Chicago Metropolis 2020, which co-leads Business Leaders with the Metropolitan
Planning Council and Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.
Business Leaders for
Transportation, a coalition of 180 members representing more than 12,000
regional employers, provides a collective voice for Chicago-area businesses on
surface transportation issues. Of central importance to the coalition is
increased state and federal transportation funding for northeastern Illinois,
supported by coordinated planning to achieve the most efficient and desirable
return on transportation system investments.
Public forum on federal transportation funding
Monday, Nov. 17, 2003, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.
Norris University Center, Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive,
- U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)
- Peter Glick, First Vice President, LaSalle Capital Markets
- Jim LaBelle, Deputy Director, Chicago Metropolis 2020
- Paula Thibeault, Executive Director, Regional Transportation Authority
- Bob Gallamore, Director, Northwestern University Transportation Center
The forum is free to members of the working media, but
pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, contact Natashia Holmes