January Media Tips - Metropolitan Planning Council

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January Media Tips

Get Up to Speed on 2008 Regional Priorities at MPC Media Briefing

Maintaining the region’s well being is comparable to keeping a home in good repair: as soon as one renovation project is completed, something else needs attention. Last week, the region celebrated as Springfield finally approved a long-term funding solution to the region’s transit operating crisis. Now, as local, regional and state leaders prepare to turn their attention to the 2008 to-do list, MPC will highlight key agenda items at a media briefing on Tuesday, Feb. 12 , from noon to 1:30 p.m., at MPC’s offices, 25 E. Washington St., Suite 1600.

MPC experts will provide background and forecasts on critical regional issues expected to be debated this year, including:

  • a state capital investment plan for roads and bridges, transit and freight, housing and schools;
  • innovative financing mechanisms for infrastructure projects, such as public-private partnerships and congestion pricing;
  • a statewide framework for managing water resources; and
  • new state leadership for planning in Illinois .

They’ll also discuss how the elections can help call national attention to the concerns of metropolitan Chicago ’s residents and businesses. And they’ll explain how changed policies will affect stories currently making headlines, including the housing market’s turndown, the global energy crisis, and Chicago’s Olympics hopes. To register, contact MPC Assistant Communications Director Mandy Burrell, 312 .863.6018, mburrell@metroplanning.org.

Individuals Strengthening Chicago Schools to Share Successes at MPC Roundtable

Join MPC on Thursday, Jan. 24 , as we continue our Roundtable Series featuring neighbor-led community revitalization efforts. Parents and school administrators from three Chicago communities will discuss how they’ve forged partnerships to strengthen their school communities at a luncheon discussion, from noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Chicago Architecture Foundation, John Buck Company Lecture Hall, 224 S. Michigan Ave., 1st Floor Lobby, Chicago.

Henry S. Webber, vice president for community and government affairs at the University of Chicago and an MPC board member, will moderate a panel of parents and school administrators from Chicago’s Lincoln Square, Little Village, and Austin communities.

This roundtable is co-hosted with the Chicago Architecture Foundation and generously sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Cost for MPC donors is $15; cost for non-donors is $30. Members of the media may attend free of charge. Lunch will be provided. To register, contact MPC Assistant Communications Director Mandy Burrell, 312 .863.6018, mburrell@metroplanning.org .

St. Charles Set to Vote on Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, Housing Trust Fund

The west suburban City of St. Charles keeps moving one step closer toward approving an inclusionary zoning ordinance and housing trust fund, both of which would help preserve and create more affordable housing in the community. In February, the St. Charles City Council is scheduled to vote on the measure, which was approved unanimously by the Planning and Zoning Committee on Jan. 14.

If the measure is approved, St. Charles will join a small, but influential group of cities (including Chicago, Lake Forest and Highland Park ) that have instituted similar measures to ensure they have a mix of housing at all price points available to local residents.

“St. Charles is part of a growing number of cities in our region that not only have acknowledged how important it is to have homes affordable to local residents and workers, but that also have taken actions to balance their housing stock,” said Joanna Trotter, manager of MPC’s Community Building Initiative , which helped the city draft the measures. “An inclusionary zoning ordinance and housing trust fund are the first two of several new tools and resources the city is considering to preserve affordable housing in St. Charles , and help leverage private sector investment to create new affordable homes.”

For more information about what the ordinance and trust fund could mean for St. Charles, and the region, contact Trotter at 312-863-6008, or jtrotter@metroplanning.org .

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