Give voice to your vision for Uptown! Participate in a three-part workshop - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Give voice to your vision for Uptown! Participate in a three-part workshop

The Uptown community has the opportunity to influence the re-use of the Stewart School building and a lot next to the Wilson CTA rail station.

Update—October 2015

Chicago Public Schools has chosen a proposal for Stewart School that incorporates recommendations from this community vision.

Final Report


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This lot between Wilson station and Truman College will be available for re-use after the station is rebuilt.

The Metropolitan Planning Council is partnering with the office of Ald. James Cappleman (46th Ward) to host a series of public workshops about the future of two important sites in Uptown. Community members will work with a team of development professionals to create specific, realistic, community-based proposals for the Stewart School building and a lot next to the Wilson CTA rail station.

  • The Stewart School building, formerly a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) elementary school, will remain intact. CPS is preparing to request proposals from developers, so now is the time to determine a community vision for its future use.
  • The reconstruction of the Wilson CTA rail station includes removing the separate structure that currently carries the southbound express track. (That track will be consolidated with the other three tracks as a part of the new station.) This will open up new possibilities for this lot between Wilson station and Truman College.

What would you like to see these sites become? Attend these workshops to add your voice to the vision.

For more information about the process and what will occur at each meeting, read about MPC's Corridor Development Initiative.


Each meeting builds on the one before, so we strongly encourage you to attend all three. Meetings will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on these dates:

  • Thursday, May 8
  • Monday, May 12
  • Thursday, May 29


Clarendon Park Community Center
4501 N. Clarendon Ave.

Questions or comments

Please contact MPC Project Manager Yonah Freemark with any questions. If you have comments or input to share, the best way to do so is to participate in the workshops. If you are unable to participate, however, comments submitted by email will be considered.

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