Urban Land Magazine features Chicago regional housing efforts as important “emerging movement" - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Urban Land Magazine features Chicago regional housing efforts as important “emerging movement"

An article in the national magazine focuses on the consensus-building housing strategies used by northeastern Illinois' Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, Metropolitan Planning Council and partners such as Chicago Metropolis 2020.

The efforts of the Mayors Metropolitan Caucus to expand housing options in the Chicago region attracted national attention in January.  In an article entitled “The Chicago Effort" (Urban Land , Jan. 2003), Jennifer Lavorel, describes the partnership between the new Housing Task Force of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and MPC.  More than 270 mayors, all members of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, have come together to promote housing and mixed-use developments that meet community needs while also addressing broader regional sensible growth goals.  The article praises the strategy of the Housing Task Force not only for its voluntary and cooperative nature, but also for its incorporation of physical planning and equity issues.

The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus asked MPC for help in forming a Housing Task Force after MPC shared results from a 1999 Regional Rental Market Analysis that documented the region's jobs/housing mismatch.  The study concluded that where job markets are expanding, sufficient rental housing is not available to support growing needs.  In early 2002, the Caucus’ Housing Task Force developed a set of Housing Endorsement Criteria and a Housing Action Agenda, described in the article as “documents asserting the importance of housing as a regional issue and laying out nine action items intended to promote policies and practices that support attainable housing across the metropolitan Chicago area.”

The article also highlights the parallel initiative undertaken by Chicago Metropolis 2020 and quotes many of the Housing Task Force leaders’ ideas about how to overcome barriers to attainable housing throughout the region.  Click here for the full article.

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