U.S. Legislators Reviewing Housing America’s Workforce Act - Metropolitan Planning Council

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U.S. Legislators Reviewing Housing America’s Workforce Act

Contact Information for Senate and House Committee Members


Senate Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight


Jon Kyl (R-AZ)

Noah Silverman: PHONE 202-224-4521 FAX: 202-224-2207

E-MAIL: noah_silverman@kyl.senate.gov

Mike Crapo (R-ID)

Ted Dahlstrom: PHONE 202-224-6142 

Snowe (R-ME)

Greg White: PHONE 202-224-5344  FAX: 202-224-1946

E-MAIL: Olympia@snowe.senate.gov

 Trent Lott (R-MS)

Jack Norris: PHONE 202-224-6253 FAX: 202-224-2262

E-MAIL : jack_norris@lott.senate.gov

Rick Santorum (R-PA)

Heather MacLean: PHONE 202-224-6324  FAX: 202-228-0604

E-MAIL: heather_maclean@santorum.senate.gov

 Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

Matt Sandgren: PHONE 202-224-5251  FAX: 202-224-6331

 Craig Thomas (R-WY)

Katie Alexander: PHONE 202-224-6441  FAX: 202-224-1724

E-MAIL: katie_alexander@thomas.senate.gov


 Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)

Hannah Lambiotte: PHONE 202-224-4843  FAX: 202-228-1371

E-MAIL: hannah_lambiotte@lincoln.senate.gov


Max Baucus (D-MT)

Simon Chabel: PHONE 202-224-2651  FAX: 202-224-4700

E-MAIL: simon_chabel@baucus.senate.gov


Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Joan Huffer: PHONE 202-224-2043  FAX: 202-224-7776

E-MAIL: joan_huffer@conrad.senate.gov


Charles Schumer (D-NY)

Carmencita Whonder: PHONE 202-224-6542  FAX: 202-228-3027

E-MAIL: senator@schumer.senate.gov


James Jeffords (I-VT)

Dan Bresette: PHONE 202-224-5141 

E-MAIL: dan_bresette@jeffords.senate.gov

Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Subcommittee on Housing and Transportation


Richard Shelby (R-AL)

Ryan Welch: PHONE 202-224-5744  FAX: 202-224-3416

E-MAIL: ryan_welch@shelby.senate.gov

Wayne Allard (R-CO)

Tewana Wilkerson: PHONE 202-224-5941  FAX: 202-224-6471

E-MAIL: tewana_wilkerson@allard.senate.gov

Signed onto bill already: no need to contact

Mel Martinez (R-FL)

Reagan McKee:  PHONE 202-224-3041  FAX: 202-228-5171

E-MAIL: reagan_mckee@martinez.senate.gov

Rick Santorum (R-PA)

Heather MacLean: PHONE 202-224-6324  FAX: 202-228-0604

E-MAIL: heather_maclean@santorum.senate.gov

Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)

Amanda Neely: PHONE 202-224-6342  FAX: 202-224-1100

E-MAIL: amanda_neely@dole.senate.gov

Robert Bennett (R-UT)

Mike Nielsen: PHONE 202-224-5444

Michael Enzi (R-WY)

John Hallmark: PHONE 202-224-3424  FAX: 202-228-0359

E-MAIL: john_hallmark@enzi.senate.gov


Christopher Dodd (D-CT)

Jeffrey Regan: PHONE 202-224-2823  FAX: 202-224-1083

Thomas Carper (D-DE)

Paige Jennings: PHONE 202-224-2441
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Darren Elliott: PHONE 202-224-4822  FAX: 202-228-0325

E-MAIL: darren_elliott@stabenow@senate.gov

Jon Corzine (D-NJ)

Elizabeth Brinkerhoff: PHONE 202-224-4744  FAX: 202-228-2197

E-MAIL: elizabeth_brinkerhoff@corzine.senate.gov

Charles Schumer (D-NY)

Carmencita Whonder: PHONE 202-224-6542  FAX: 202-228-3027

E-MAIL: senator@schumer.senate.gov

Jack Reed (D-RI)

Kara Stein: PHONE 202-224-4642  FAX: 202-224-4680

E-MAIL: kara_stein@reed.senate.gov

House Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity


Rick Renzi (R-AZ)

Alix Crockett: PHONE (202) 225-2315  FAX: (202) 226-9739

E-MAIL: alix.crockett@mail.house.gov

Gary Miller (R-CA)

Lesli Gooch: PHONE (202) 225-3201  FAX: (202) 226-6962
Christopher Shays (R-CT)

Jordan Press: PHONE (202) 225-5541  FAX: (202) 225-9629

Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL)

Amie Woeber: PHONE (202) 225-1002  FAX: (202) 226-6559

E-MAIL: amie.woeber@mail.house.gov

Katherine Harris (R-FL)

Scott Weaver:  PHONE (202) 225-5015  FAX: (202) 226-0828

Geoff Davis (R-KY)

Geoff Smith: PHONE (202) 225-3465  FAX: (202) 225-0003

E-MAIL: geoff.smith@mail.house.gov

Richard Baker (R-LA)

Scott Canady: PHONE (202) 225-3901  FAX: (202) 225-7313 

E-MAIL: scott.canady@mail.house.gov

Walter Jones Jr. (R-NC)

Glen Downs: PHONE (202) 225-3415 FAX: (202) 225-3286

E-MAIL: glen.downs@mail.house.gov

Steve Pearce (R-NM)

Sarah White: PHONE (202) 225-2365  FAX: (202) 225-9599

E-MAIL: sarah.white@mail.house.gov

Peter King (R-NY)

Kerry Kinirons:  PHONE (202) 225-7896  FAX: (202) 226-2279 

E-MAIL: kerry.kinirons@mail.house.gov   

Patrick Tiberi (R-OH)

Trevor Vessels: PHONE (202) 225-5355  FAX: (202) 226-4523

Robert Ney (R-OH)

Tallman Johnson: PHONE: (202) 225-6265  FAX: (202) 225-3394

Clinton Jones, III: PHONE: (202) 226-3463

Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA)

Greg Calhoun: PHONE (202) 225-4276  FAX: (202) 225-9511

E-MAIL: greg.calhoun@mail.house.gov

Randy Neugebauer (R-TX)

Kathy Bergren: PHONE (202) 225-4005  FAX: (202) 225-9615


Artur Davis (D-AL)

Jason Rosenberg: PHONE 202-225-2665  FAX: 202-226-9567

Barbara Lee (D-CA)

Aysha House: PHONE (202) 225-2661  FAX: (202) 225-9817

E-MAIL: aysha.house@mail.house.gov

Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Mikael Moore: PHONE (202) 225-2201  FAX: (202) 225-7854

David Scott (D-GA)

Michael Andel: PHONE 202-225-2939  FAX:202-225-4628

E-MAIL : michael.andel@mail.house.gov

Julia Carson (D-IN)

Michael Wallace: PHONE (202) 225-4011  FAX: (202) 225-5633

Michael Capuano (D-MA)

Jon Skarin: PHONE (202) 225-5111  FAX: (202) 225-9322

E-MAIL: jon.skarin@mail.house.gov

Stephen Lynch (D-MA)

Kerry Lawrence: PHONE 202-225-8273  FAX: 202-225-3984

E-MAIL: kerry.lawrence@mail.house.gov

Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)

Sudafi Henry: PHONE 202-225-4535  FAX: 202-225-4403

E-MAIL: sudafi.henry@mail.house.gov

Brad Miller (D-NC)

Ryan Hedgepeth: PHONE 202-225-3032  FAX: 202-225-0181

Bill Sponsor:  No need to contact

Nydia Velázquez (D-NY)

Julie Okoniewski: PHONE (202) 225-2361  FAX: (202) 226-0327

E-MAIL:  julie.okoniewski@mail.house.gov

Already signed on to the Dear Colleague letter:  No need to contact

Al Green (D-TX)

Oscar Ramirez: PHONE 202-225-7508  FAX: 202-225-2947

E-MAIL: oscar.ramirez@mail.house.gov

Other House Committee on Financial Services:

Michael Oxley (R-OH)

Tim Johnson: PHONE 202-225-2676

Barney Frank (D-MA)

Scott Olson: PHONE 202-225-7054

Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)

Todd Harper: PHONE: 202-225-6511

Bernard Sanders (I-VT)

Warren Gunnels: PHONE (202) 225-4115 FAX: 202-225-6790

E-MAIL: warren.gunnels@mail.house.gov

House Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Oversight


Jim Ramstad (R-MN)

Neta Scarpari: PHONE 202-225-2871  FAX: 202-225-6351

Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Devin O’Brien: PHONE 202-225-2815  FAX: 202-225-0011

E-MAIL: devin.obrien@mail.house.gov

Bob Beauprez (R-CO)

Marc Scheessele: PHONE 202-225-2645 FAX: 202-225-5278

E-MAIL: marc.scheessele@mail.house.gov

Thomas Reynolds (R-NY)

Andrew Szalay: PHONE 202-225-5265  FAX: 202-225-5910

E-MAIL: andrew. szalay@mail.house.gov

John Linder (R-GA)

Don Green: PHONE 202-225-4272  FAX: 202-225-4696

E. Clay Shaw Jr. (R-FL)

Chad Davis: PHONE 202-225-3026  FAX: 202-225-8398

E-MAIL: chad.davis@mail.house.gov

Sam Johnson (R-TX)

Nikki Miller: PHONE 202-225-4201  FAX: 202-225-1485

Devin Nunes (R-CA)

Taylor Amstutz: PHONE 202-225-2523  FAX: 202-225-3404

John Lewis (D-GA)

Edan Lichtenstein: PHONE 202-225-3801  FAX: 202-225-0351

E-MAIL: edan.lichtenstein@mail.house.gov

Earl Pomeroy (D-ND)

Diane Oakley: PHONE 202-225-2611  FAX: 202-226-0893

E-MAIL: diane.oakley@mail.house.gov

Michael McNulty (D-NY)

Jim Glenn: PHONE 202-225-5076  FAX: 202-225-5077

E-MAIL: jim.glenn@mail.house.gov

John Tanner (D-TN)

Carling Dinkler: PHONE: 202-225-4714  FAX: 202-225-1765

Charlie Rangel (D-NY)

Jon Sheiner: PHONE 202-225-4365  FAX: 202-225-0816

E-MAIL: jon.scheiner@mail.house.gov

House Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures


Dave Camp (R-MI)

Brad Fuller: PHONE 202-225-3561  FAX: 202-225-9679

E-MAIL: brad.fuller@mail.house.gov

Jerry Weller (R-IL)

John Dusik: PHONE 202-225-3635  FAX: 202-225-3521

E-MAIL: john.dusik@mail.house.gov

Mark Foley (R-FL)

Ramona Bean: PHONE 202-225-5792  FAX: 202-225-3132

E-MAIL: ramona.bean@mail.house.gov

Thomas Reynolds (R-NY)

Andrew Szalay: PHONE 202-225-5265  FAX: 202-225-5910

E-MAIL: andrew.szalay@mail.house.gov

Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Devin O’Brien: PHONE 202-225-2815  FAX: 202-225-0011

E-MAIL: devin.obrien@mail.house.gov

John Linder (R-GA)

Don Green: PHONE 202-225-4272  FAX: 202-225-4696

Melissa Hart (R-PA)

Bill Rys: PHONE 202-225-2656  FAX: 202-226-2274

E-MAIL: william.rys@mail.house.gov

Chris Chocola (R-IN)

Danny O’Driscoll: PHONE 202-225-3915  FAX: 202-225-6798


Mike Thompson (D-CA)

Steve Panages: PHONE 202-225-3311  FAX: 202-225-4335

E-MAIL: steve.panages@mail.house.gov

John Larson (D-CT)

Jackie Primeau: PHONE 202-225-2265  FAX: 202-225-1031

E-MAIL: jackie.primeau@mail.house.gov

Michael McNulty (D-NY)

Jim Glenn: PHONE 202-225-5076  FAX: 202-225-5077

E-MAIL: jim.glenn@mail.house.gov

Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH)

Nikia Okoye: PHONE 202-225-7032  FAX: 202-225-1339

E-MAIL: nikia.okoye@mail.house.gov

Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)

Betsy Quilligan: PHONE 202-225-4865  FAX: 202-225-3073

Other House Committee on Ways and Means Members:

Nancy Johnson (R-CT)

Stephanie Ashwell: PHONE 202-225-4476  FAXL 202-225-4488

E-MAIL: stephanie.ashwell@mail.house.gov

Rahm Emanuel (D-IL)

Robert Getzoff:: PHONE 202-225-4061  FAX: 202-225-5603

E-MAIL: Robert.getzoff@mail.house.gov

William Jefferson (D-LA)

Todd Metcalf: PHONE 202-225-6636  FAX; 202-225-1988

E-MAIL: todd.metcalf@mail.house.gov

Richard Neal (D-MA)

Ann Jablon: PHONE 202-225-5601  FAX: 202-225-8112

E-MAIL: ann.jablon@mail.house.gov

Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)

Priscilla Ross: PHONE 202-225-4016  FAX: 202-225-9219

E-MAIL: Priscilla@mail.house.gov

 Phil English (R-PA)

Christine Rogala: PHONE: 202-225-5406  FAX: 202-225-3103

E-MAIL: christine.rogala@mail.house.gov




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