Go21: Building Public Support for CREATE - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Go21: Building Public Support for CREATE

Growth Options for the 21st Century (Go21), a national non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to building public support for increases in freight rail hauling capacity because of the public benefits associated with shipping freight by rail, has begu

Go21: Building Public Support for CREATE

Growth Options for the 21 st Century (Go21) is a national non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to building public support for increases in freight rail hauling capacity because of the public benefits associated with shipping freight by rail. Since our inception in the summer of 2004, we have recruited over 700 political, business and community leaders to sign the “ Go21 Statement of Principles.” By signing, these leaders demonstrate their support for the Go21 mission of “building a stronger economy, reducing highway congestion, improving air quality, using tax dollars more efficiently, and improving quality of life by advocating for increased use of freight rail transportation.”

GoRail, a project of Go21, recruits rail industry employees, retirees, and rail fans to the same mission. This grassroots ‘army’ has grown to over 18,000 nation-wide.

Go21 and CREATE

In January 2006, Go21 began working with the CREATE partners to build public support for the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program (CREATE). Through constituent pressure and targeted media outreach, Go21 has the capacity to build a steady drumbeat of support for CREATE. We are well on our way to building popular and institutional support for advancing this critical infrastructure program.

In early February, we worked with the CREATE partners to draft identical resolutions in support of CREATE. Senate Joint Resolution 75 and House Joint Resolution 99 call on the State of Illinois and Congress to fully fund their shares of the CREATE Program. While non-binding, SJR 75 and H JR99 are a focal point around which our grassroots team is rallying public support for CREATE. By working to recruit co-sponsors for these resolutions, we can generate awareness, interest, support, and goodwill for the CREATE program.

Public Outreach

Go21 organizers have already met with more than 200 community leaders across Illinois to educate them about the public benefits of freight rail and CREATE. We have recruited 70 new supporters, bringing our support base in the state to nearly 100 community leaders. Our supporters include several members of the Illinois General Assembly; m ayors; chambers of commerce; city and county planners and economic development authorities.

Several new Go21 supporters have already delivered letters in support of CREATE to Governor Blagojevich and the General Assembly. These letters have highlighted the public benefits of CREATE and lay the groundwork for attracting support for SJR 75 and HJR99 and the state funding proposal that will ultimately be introduced.

How You Can Help

Major public policy changes require broad public support. To keep up-to-date on our campaign or to join our network of supporters, visit www.go21.org . The CREATE section of our website is updated daily and our Online Action Center will let you contact your legislators to ask them to support CREATE.

Go21 will continue to work with the Metropolitan Planning Council, the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, and Chicago Metropolis 2020 to involve Business Leaders for Transportation in the campaign to build support for SJR 75 and HJR99.

All politics is local and the work done by Go21 will help to encourage the state to make appropriate investments in the CREATE program. We encourage you and your members to join this grassroots effort by contacting your state legislators to co-sponsor SJR 75 and SJR 99. For more information on how you can help, please contact Go21 National Field Director Julie Panna at 703-519-4740 or jpanna@go21.org .


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