Updated: Buzz on high-speed rail grant announcement - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Updated: Buzz on high-speed rail grant announcement

High Speed Rail in Taiwan

Obama will be in Tampa, Fla. tomorrow to announce high speed rail grants to 31 states for projects on 13 major corridors.  Illinois submitted an application – with the support of 7 other states in the Midwest – supporting a high-speed rail corridor from Chicago to St. Louis. Stay tuned for more details!

UPDATE JAN. 28: The Midwest Region was awarded almost $2.6 billion for four major corridors: Chicago-St. Louis-Kansas City, Minneapolis-Milwaukee-Chicago, Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati, and Detroit-Chicago. Learn more about the region’s plans for this funding and MPC’s work to ensure these investments simultaneously spark new economic development and community revitalization around proposed stations.


High Speed Rail


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