How would you balance the state's $13 billion budget gap, Gov. Quinn wants to know - Metropolitan Planning Council

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How would you balance the state's $13 billion budget gap, Gov. Quinn wants to know

Gov. Quinn wants to know how you would close the state's $13.5 billion fiscal year 2011 budget gap. 

Yesterday, the governor unveiled a new web site asking citizens for ideas on where to make budget cuts to close the deficit. He also outlined $2 billion in proposed fiscal year 2011 cuts, including $922 billion from K-12 education, $400 million from public universities and colleges, $400 million from social services, and $69 million from public safety.  

That still leaves an $11.5 billion general fund budget gap -- about half the total general fund budget.

Now's your chance to weigh in on how lawmakers should fix the budget mess. Post your ideas here.

Before you start, here are a few state fiscal year 2010 spending numbers to consider:

  • K-12 education - $7 billion
  • Health care and human services*- $10 billion
  • Public universities and colleges - $2 billion
  • State police - $290 million
  • General Assembly salaries and support - $80 million

*includes departments of Health Care & Family Services, Aging, Children & Family Services, and Human Services (This includes programs like AllKids, Aid for Women and Children, and nursing home reimbursements for seniors.)


  1. 1. chemical hoses from on March 10, 2010

    well he should re consider the stats by the way he is doing a great job by communicating with the people

  2. 2. Ruben on January 13, 2011

    Charge parolees $40 per month for parole; charge inmates for their incarceration; quit giving them the $10 per month. all lay off all non-essential merit comp and management positions. Cancel the program that gives welfare people free phones. Phones are a privilege not a right. Quit all building projects that are not necessary at this time.

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