Web chat with MPC, Center for Housing Policy 3/26 - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Web chat with MPC, Center for Housing Policy 3/26

Next Friday, March 26, from noon to 2 p.m., MPC and the Center for Housing Policy are co-hosting a live teleconference and webinar to discuss key policy opportunities to improve connections between housing, transportation and workers.

The two-part event will begin at noon CST with a 30-minute conference call. Listeners will find out the top takeaways from recent listening sessions MPC and the Center convened in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., and Atlanta, Ga., at which stakeholders from each city talked about positive progress they’ve made to coordinate housing, transportation and workforce, as well as challenges they’ve encountered. The call-in number is (712) 432-1001 and the access code is 452746624#.

Immediately following the call, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. CST, you can interact online with the presenters by posting questions to a live chat thread. Presenters will be Emily Salomon, Center for Housing Policy; Robin Snyderman, Metropolitan Planning Council; Susan Adams, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc.; and Caren Dewar, ULI Minnesota. Join the web chat - Live at the Forum.

If you cannot participate in either event, you can do your learning the old-fashioned way: Read MPC’s and the Center’s reports by downloading them from our web sites:  

from MPC
Improving Housing-Transportation Linkages: Learning from listening sessions in Atlanta and Minneapolis-St. Paul, a short write-up of the listening sessions, which highlights key barriers and local best practices surfaced at the events. This piece also points to recent policy advances and legislative opportunities to improve housing-transportation coordination.

from The Center for Housing Policy
How Transportation Reform Could Increase the Availability of Housing Affordable to Families with a Mix of Incomes Near Public Transit, Job Centers, and Other Essential Destinations, explains how reauthorization of the federal transportation bill can incent the improved coordination of transportation, housing and land use policy to ensure that families across a range of incomes have access to affordable housing as well as efficient, accessible transportation options.
Regional Coordination in Atlanta Metro and in the Twin Cities: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Coordinating Housing, Transportation and Workforce Policies, draws from the discussions held during the listening sessions and the information shared about the experience of coordinating land-use, transportation, and workforce policy in the Atlanta and the Twin Cities regions.


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