New web site creates vertical Placemaking - Metropolitan Planning Council

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New web site creates vertical Placemaking

This post was written by Aleece Smith, MPC research assistant.

Have you ever thought of your office building as a spot for social networking? Just think of the hundreds or thousands of people who spend their 9 to 5 at the same address as you. If only someone would create a space to touch base with those work neighbors. All of a sudden, your pool of potential happy hour companions would double, and clients and vendors within easy reach could give your business a boost.

Enter STACKD. The STACKD network helps people in office buildings connect for business or burgers. Inspired in 2009 by elevator postings from other business tenants in a web designer’s Manhattan office building, STACKD aims to make businesses more cognizant of their physical surroundings and the people who occupy them.  

Once you create or join an address, your business can communicate with other companies about who you are, what you have to share (like a conference room you thought would be getting way more use by now), and things that would really help your business grow (perhaps a midday walking group to ward off the post-lunch sleepies?) 

As quasi-public spaces, high-rise office buildings are great locations for bringing people together and fostering healthier, more social, and economically viable communities similar to the type of spaces MPC promotes through Placemaking Chicago. If your office is your de facto home away from home, make your building the neighborhood that goes along with it by signing up for STACKD.


  1. 1. Josh from Hyde Park on March 25, 2010

    So the question is, which Chicago building will be the first to sign up?

  2. 2. Sidney Blank from New York on March 25, 2010

    How about your's Josh? We're in the midst of adding some first really useful features. In the next update you'll be able to see which buildings have something to offer right on the landing page using a google map mashup.

  3. 3. Josh from Hyde Park on March 25, 2010

    Game on. I'll see what we can do.

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