With Sustainable Communities Initiative resources coming out of Washington to promote competitive regions and strong interagency coordination, and with the the Livable Communities Act pending to further institutionalize and expand these investments, the State of Illinois is stepping up its own efforts to understand its optimal role in promoting both strong regions and interagency coordination.
As a co-chair of this State “Linkage Working Group” effort, MPC is eager to hear your ideas on what can Illinois be doing better to support local efforts to align planning and investment around jobs, housing, transportation and land-use. At our last meeting, we heard presentations from Terry Kohlbuss and Janice Morrissy about their respective “ best practices” in the Peoria area and in the southern suburbs of Cook County. Beyond their exciting efforts, they shared specific barriers and ways the State could help.
Please tell us about your own favorite examples of towns working together strategically on housing, transportation and jobs. What barriers do you think we should focus on? Where do you think the State should be shifting gears or stepping up? Any input you provide will also inform MPC’s broader efforts around Federal Investment Reform.