Buzz building for Bus Rapid Transit in Chicago - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Buzz building for Bus Rapid Transit in Chicago

This morning, we were delighted to open up the newspapers and turn on our radios to extensive media coverage of MPC’s new report, Bus Rapid Transit: Chicago’s New Route to Opportunity, which envisions a 10-route BRT network in Chicago that is feasible, best supports existing neighborhood assets, and fills accessibility gaps in the current transit network.

The Chicago Sun-Times not only ran a well-written news article explaining the methodology of the report and benefits of a BRT system in Chicago, but also endorsed BRT on its Opinion page with an excellent editorial, "New plan works for transit, communities." Here's an excerpt; to read the editorial in its entirety, visit the Sun-Times' web site

"For less money and a bigger potential return on investment for city neighborhoods, we’re betting on a nearly 100-mile “Bus Rapid Transit” network proposed by the Metropolitan Planning Council.

"In an analysis released Wednesday, the regional planning group envisions 10 dedicated bus lanes that would connect riders to L and Metra trains, speed up existing bus trips, improve transit choices in underserved areas and spur or enhance community development.

"... MPC’s plan isn’t only about moving riders more quickly; it’s also about making better neighborhoods. In selecting routes, MPC devised a formula that weighed access, or lack thereof, to retail, jobs, schools and other community anchors, as well as proximity to rail lines and existing travel times and ridership. Dedicated bus lanes can enhance thriving communities and, hopefully, give a boost to areas in need.

"It’s time to move beyond pie-in-the-sky and build a better-connected Chicago."

We're excited to see buzz is building, among both local and national advocates and decision-makers, that Chicago can and should do BRT right!

Read on for additional coverage of MPC's report: 


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