Owners, managers of apartment buildings invited to Oct. 14 breakfast to learn about new public resources available to maintain property - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Owners, managers of apartment buildings invited to Oct. 14 breakfast to learn about new public resources available to maintain property

South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, partners will explain new resources as well as local efforts to preserve rental homes 

The South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) invites owners and managers of multifamily rental properties to attend a free breakfast, underwritten by Wintrust Financial, on Friday, Oct. 14, from 9 to 11 a.m., at the South Holland Community Center, 501 E. 170th St., South Holland, Ill., to learn about the many resources currently available and on the drawing board to promote the long-term maintenance and preservation of rental properties in the south suburbs. 

At the event, representatives from SSMMA, Chicagoland Apartment Association, Community Investment Corporation, Preservation Compact, Urban Land Institute, Metropolitan Planning Council, Cook County, and other civic and community groups will explain new, existing, and planned public incentives that can help property owners and managers maintain energy efficient, attractive properties. The groups also will discuss how they are working together and with local community leaders to implement strategies that stabilize and balance the south suburbs’ housing stock in the wake of foreclosures.  

“As municipal leaders and advocates for the southern suburbs, we are committed to working to ensure that multifamily rental properties are stable and vibrant community assets for residents and for the surrounding neighborhood,” said Ed Paesel, director, SSMMA. “Needless to say, we recognize that today’s economy places additional challenges on the shoulders of owners, municipal leaders, and residents. We look forward to discussing the strategies and resources that are available to lift some of that burden.”    

Property owners or managers interested in attending the event should RSVP to Angie Leyva at aleyva@metroplanning.org or 312-863-6017, by Friday, Oct. 7. Reporters that would like to attend should contact Mandy Burrell Booth at mburrell@metroplanning.org or 312-863-6018. 

WHAT: Free breakfast for multifamily property owners and managers to learn more about resources available to make bottom line improvements and keep buildings energy efficient and attractive 

WHEN: Friday, Oct. 14, 9 to 11 a.m. 

WHERE: South Holland Community Center, 501 East 170th St., South Holland, Ill.


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