Agenda in Action reports MPC's impact on region - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Agenda in Action reports MPC's impact on region

The Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) is pleased to present the Agenda in Action, a report on our recent accomplishments, available exclusively online at

Through regional success stories, convincing data, and compelling visuals, the website explains how MPC's work with a wide range of civic, private and public sector allies has contributed to a more competitive, equitable and sustainable greater Chicago region. That's MPC's mission, and to accomplish it, we work every day on five priority regional issues: quality housing, transportation choices, clean water, vibrant destinations, and a competitive economy. 

The Agenda in Action also explains how we work: To achieve successful policy change, we research, advocate, and implement—often using all three strategies over the life cycle of a given project, in different sequences and intensities.

Of course, we wouldn't have the impact we do without our many volunteers, who generously lend their expertise, support and voices toward our mission. The Agenda in Action recognizes these leaders, as well as our financial supporters, who have confidently supported our work even during the toughest financial times.

If you are already our partner, we genuinely appreciate your support. If you are new to our work, we welcome you to become more involved—starting, perhaps, with a look at our Agenda in Action.


  1. 1. Joy Maity from on December 7, 2012

    The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need!b Keep 'em coming... you all do such a great job at such Concepts... can't tell you how much I, for one appreciate all you do!

  2. 2. Penha from cQJYFhYBGr on December 9, 2012

    I personally love this show and it tulrey is my favorite show on t.v. I hope to one day become a police officer, and I feel that this show really captures what life is like for a police officer with all of the little side plots. I also happen to live really close to chicago, and I know that corruption is kind of a touchy subject with this state. I think that the show could be continued. Gibbens is not 100% going to be put away, you never know, he could have other connections to other criminal oranizations, or his high price lawyer might be able to get him off. There are lots of places that this show can go and I think that it would be worth while to keep this show on the air. I have shown great loyalty to this show and network, and I hope that enough people feel the same way, so that you will consider keeping this show going. Thank you for your timeTA

  3. 3. Penha from cQJYFhYBGr on December 9, 2012

    I personally love this show and it tulrey is my favorite show on t.v. I hope to one day become a police officer, and I feel that this show really captures what life is like for a police officer with all of the little side plots. I also happen to live really close to chicago, and I know that corruption is kind of a touchy subject with this state. I think that the show could be continued. Gibbens is not 100% going to be put away, you never know, he could have other connections to other criminal oranizations, or his high price lawyer might be able to get him off. There are lots of places that this show can go and I think that it would be worth while to keep this show on the air. I have shown great loyalty to this show and network, and I hope that enough people feel the same way, so that you will consider keeping this show going. Thank you for your timeTA

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