Calling all Transformers: Be recognized for efficient governance in Illinois - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Calling all Transformers: Be recognized for efficient governance in Illinois

Flickr user Christian Schnettelker (CC)

Transform Illinois is dedicated to promoting and supporting local government efficiency efforts in Illinois.

Local governments across Illinois are feeling the pain of state budget cuts and reduced tax revenues. At the same time, residents and business owners continue to expect and deserve high-quality government services and infrastructure. The question facing almost every municipality, county and special service district in Illinois is: How can we continue to provide high-quality services in this extremely challenging environment?

To highlight government and citizen-led initiatives in Illinois that have improved the delivery of services and infrastructure at the local level, the Transform Illinois collaborative will present the Transformer Awards on Nov. 2 at "The Efficiency Advantage." The forum will feature stories from local leaders, including Transformer Award winners, who have successfully achieved greater efficiency through collaboration and innovation. Transform Illinois is a collaborative of elected officials, civic organizations and research institutions dedicated to promoting and supporting local government efficiency efforts in Illinois. 

One award will be presented in each of three categories: Local Government Transformer, State Government Transformer and Citizen Transformer. Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:

Strong candidates for the Transformer Awards will provide quantitative and qualitative support demonstrating that they have improved the delivery of local government services and/or infrastructure and reduced costs by: 

  • Simplifying processes to reduce administrative burden;
  • Collaborating with neighboring governments to leverage efficiencies;
  • Deploying technology to streamline and speed operations;
  • Developing and using metrics and performance assessment tools or processes;
  • Changing policies or legislation;
  • Advocating for change. In particular, this applies to Citizen Transformers who have displayed courage by challenging the status quo or by proposing an innovative idea (even if it has yet to be implemented). 

To submit a nomination, please email Josh Ellis, Director, Metropolitan Planning Council, with no more than a one-page narrative describing the nominee’s efforts, by Oct. 5, 2015: Nominees will be reviewed by members of Transform Illinois, and winners will be announced Nov. 2.  

Register today for "The Efficiency Advantage" forum!

Transform Illinois thanks Keystone Capital for generously sponsoring the forum.


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