A push for rules and order as recreation booms on Chicago's rivers - Metropolitan Planning Council

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A push for rules and order as recreation booms on Chicago's rivers

Wendella Sightseeing

It's getting crowded on our riverways

Could you imagine rush hour in Chicago if there were no rules of the road? The mass chaos, confusion and danger that would ensue is limited only to one's imagination.

Cars, buses, trucks, bikes and pedestrians would all converge onto a 66-foot-wide pathway to peril. No one would get anywhere, business productivity would be halted, social plans would be spoiled. A street without rules and rights-of-way, signals and signage, defined vehicle and bike lanes and crosswalks would be a disaster—and the same is true of a river.

As Chicago's rivers grow more crowded every year—a good "problem" to have—it's increasingly important to shore up protocols, education and enforcement of the rules governing everyone who uses the rivers. Read on to learn how Great Rivers Chicago is bringing multiple agencies and stakeholders together to develop a vision and action agenda for Chicago's rivers and riverfronts, including riverway safety. >>

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  1. Sincerest Thanks and Best of Luck, Sarah!

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