Celebrating our successes - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Celebrating our successes

MPC is thankful for the many supporters who helped make our work possible in 2018

Coming into 2018, MPC set an ambitious calendar of research, advocacy, coordination, engagement, and planning. In many ways, MPC exceeded these lofty goals. In a year filled with achievements, MPC is proud to report on the following:

  • A guidebook for those who manage our drinking water: The release and promotion of its Drinking Water 1-2-3 guide to equip officials with the knowledge and actions necessary to ensure sustainable drinking water service. MPC has distributed 1,000+ copies of the guide and fielded inquiries from as far away as Colorado.
  • Community convenings around development: The execution of two Corridor Development Initiatives (CDI), one at 63rd and Woodlawn near the Green Line Station, and for the Eco-Orchard in Garfield Park. In both cases, more than 300 community residents helped outlined the future of catalytic development sites.
  • A comprehensive roadmap for equitable change: The release of Our Equitable Future: A Roadmap for the Chicago Region featuring new findings as well as a prescriptive policy roadmap for change. MPC’s policy recommendations in Our Equitable Future continue the push for a profound shift in policy, legislation, and government systems for the City of Chicago, Cook County, and the region.
  • A powerful economic argument for transit: The release of Transit Means Business and an event at the McDonald’s Corporate Headquarters for, which outlines the economic argument for why the business community should be invested in transit for talent retention, business operations and more.
  • Legislative successes: Via the MPC co-led Transform Illinois, the passage of a comprehensive legislative agenda focused on eliminating barriers to government modernization. MPC saw five advocacy priorities pass in 2017, and another eight in 2018.
  • A robust communications platform: Over 3,000+ guests attended MPC events including Roundtables, Think and Drinks, and experiential activities such as River Cruises and film screenings. MPC also recorded over 6,500 Twitter followers, and 3,000 Facebook followers.
  • A long-term strategy for stormwater management in a flood-prone area: The adoption of the three-year workplan for the 50+ member, MPC-co-led Calumet Stormwater Collaborative (CSC) to drive and implement stormwater management solutions throughout the Calumet region.
  • Watershed Plans that Open New Funding Sources: MPC, through a grant from the IEPA has completed four watershed plans in Cook County. With these newly approved watershed plans, communities within those boundaries are now eligible to apply for Section 319 grants that provide funding for non-pipe based stormwater infrastructures.
  • A new award: Recognition of the Great Rivers Chicago initiative with the Implementation Award from the American Planning Association's Illinois Chapter. MPC aided Our Great Rivers partners to realize community visions through several high impact activation projects throughout the region such as Building Beaubien, and murals along the Major Tailor Trail and Chinatown’s Ping Tom Park.

In this season of gratitude, MPC is thankful for the many foundations, corporations, and individual donors who make our work possible. Through the generosity of Chicago’s philanthropic community, MPC exceeded its ambitious growth goal, enabling us to add to staff capacity and deepen our impact.  We deeply appreciate your partnership in making the Chicago region an outstanding place to live, work, and play. MPC’s successes are your successes. Together we are building a better Chicagoland.

Thank you again for your support in 2018!


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