2020 Policy Priorities - Metropolitan Planning Council

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2020 Policy Priorities

Our recommendations for state, local and institutional policy change

State of Illinois

For more than 85 years, the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) has made the Chicago region a better place to live and work by partnering with businesses, communities and governments to address the area’s toughest planning and development challenges. We care about the entire Chicago region—from its people and businesses, to its neighborhoods and transportation networks, to its lakes, rivers and parks.

We understand that all of these regional assets need to work together effectively so that the Chicago metropolitan area can continuously unlock its potential. While MPC works to solve today's urgent problems—with a focus on economic development, vibrant neighborhoods, quality housing and transportation choices and well-managed natural assets—we consistently think ahead to prepare the region for the needs of tomorrow.

We support policies that ensure the Chicago region is growing and residents across all community can share in the benefits of a better, bolder, more equitable future. 

Click for MPC's 2020 State of Illinois Policy Agenda.

Legislative Focus for 2020

SB2916 (Steans) | Replace all lead service lines in Illinois

There is no safe level of lead exposure. Exposure can cause behavior problems and learning disabilities in young children and also affects the health of adults. Illinois needs an adequately funded statewide program to eliminate its 680,000+ lead service lines from our drinking water supply. As a member of the Illinois Environmental Council, MPC is advancing a bill that provides a timeline, structure, and revenue source for lead service line replacement.

HB5244 (Buckner) | Performance-based project planning for transportation

Illinois decision-makers and residents deserve transportation infrastructure investment guided by transparent, data-informed criteria. Building on the RTA’s adoption of this framework in December 2019, MPC supports legislation and departmental guidelines that create clear criteria for transportation project selection, such as environmental performance, equity, access, and economic development.

SB 3529 (Feigenholtz)/HB5279 (Welch) | Incentivize new affordable housing in all market types

As a member of a diverse coalition of housing advocates, MPC supports legislation that will reduce assessed property value for new construction or substantial rehab that include 15 percent or more affordable units. 

HB4378+HB4379 (Ford)/SB2993+SB2994 (Harris) | Fund a study of Illinois' water rates

In 2019, MPC supported unanimous passage of a bill tasking UIC with studying Illinois’ escalating water rates; unfortunately, it wasn’t funded. MPC is advocating for $318,000 per year for two years to accomplish this important study.

HB5246 (Moeller)/SB3183 (McGuire) | Eliminate IDOT's local match requirement for sidewalks and bikeways

Under current State of Illinois guidelines, local municipalities are required to contribute 20 percent of the cost of sidewalks and bikeways along IDOT-managed roads. This requirement disadvantages low income municipalities and mobility-impaired individuals. MPC supports legislation and/or departmental guidelines that remove this local match requirement.


Our region is the transportation hub of the nation. The Chicago area has the second largest transit system in the country. However, we are in a period of rapid change in modes of travel. It’s more critical than ever to stay focused on the outcomes we want our transportation system to provide and to ensure equitable funding of the most sustainable modes. 

Create transparent, data-informed infrastructure planning.

  • HB5244 (Buckner) | Performance-based project planning 
    Illinois decision-makers and residents deserve transportation infrastructure investment guided by transparent, data-informed criteria. Building on the RTA’s adoption of this framework in December 2019, MPC supports legislation and departmental guidelines that create clear criteria for transportation project selection.

Equitably fund all modes of transportation.


Illinois has over 450,000 extremely low income households, but there are only 150,000 affordable units available to them. Additionally, the pressures of development and gentrification are reducing the supply of affordable housing in neighborhoods that are presently affordable.  MPC supports policies that enhance affordability through:

Produce affordable housing.

  • HB5554 (Ramirez) | Build Illinois Homes Tax Credit.
    Every year, Illinois developers are not able to take advantage of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal subsidies for public housing. Along with the Illinois Housing Council, MPC supports the creation of an Illinois Low Income Housing Tax Credit program to help developers close the subsidized housing financing gap.

Preserve existing affordability.

Protect residents.

  • HB4911 (Ramirez) | Seal eviction files.
    An eviction filing can haunt renters for years, whether or not the tenant was ever evicted, and whatever the reason for eviction. MPC supports sealing court files on certain kinds of eviction proceedings.

Equitable Development

In addition to housing, Illinois residents need equitable development that invests in its communities wisely and fairly. Illinois is strongest when all residents benefit from growth. Smart development considers market trends, historic disinvestment, and the voices of neighbors. MPC supports policies that:

Target inclusive growth.

Create jobs and build wealth.

Create Equity in Education

Reform inequitable criminal justice practices.

  • HB3686 (Ortiz) | Cash Bail Reform
    Tens of thousands of people languish in Illinois’ local jails simply because they lack the ability to post bail. MPC supports abolishing this unjust practice by eliminating the use of money bail in most contexts.

Water Resources

Not all Illinois residents have reliable access to safe and affordable drinking water. Conversely, some residents have far too much: flooding destroys homes and ecosystems and threatens public health. MPC works to ensure equitable access to safe, sustainable and affordable drinking water and flooding protection. We also strive toward the long-term viability of our water infrastructure, coordinated intergovernmental solutions, and planning for resilience in the face of climate change. MPC supports policies that:

Protect the health of Illinois residents by ensuring reliable, safe water.

  • SB2916 (Steans) | Lead Service Line Replacement Act. 
    There is no safe level of lead exposure. Exposure can cause behavior problems and learning disabilities in young children and also affects the health of adults. Illinois needs an adequately funded statewide program to eliminate its 680,000+ lead service lines from our drinking water supply. As a member of the Illinois Environmental Council, MPC is advancing a bill that provides a timeline, structure, and revenue source for lead service line replacement.
  • SB3311 (Peters) | Lead testing at parks. 
    Requires all parks and recreation centers to test for and report lead in drinking water.

Increase drinking water affordability, equitable rate setting and access.

Reduce the incidence and impacts of urban flooding – especially on low-income communities and communities of color – and increase Illinois’ resilience to climate change.

Effective Government

Illinois leads the nation in the number of government bodies. Yet this proliferation of government doesn’t produce better service provision or a more transparent, responsive government. MPC advocates for government streamlining measures that won’t compromise services for residents. Ultimately, these steps will enhance the capacity of all units of government throughout Illinois to operate effectively, innovate and evolve. MPC supports policies that:

Deliver transparency, accountability, and data-informed decision making.

  • SB1379 (Harmon) | Data Modernization Act
    Accurate assessments mean fairer tax distribution. MPC supports allowing the Cook County Assessor’s Office to collect income and expense data for income-generating properties and for other County boards to adopt the standard by resolution.
  • HJRCA41 (Howard)/ SJRCA18 (Bush) | Fair Maps Amendment 
    Effective government begins with fairly drawn political boundaries. MPC supports smart redistricting reforms including an independent commission and transparent map-drawing criteria.

Reduce barriers and create pathways to service sharing, streamlining and consolidation.

Additional bills we support

We support policies that make a better, bolder, more equitable Illinois and advance the goals above.

Learn More 

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Metropolitan Planning Council 140 S. Dearborn St.
Suite 1400
Chicago, Ill. 60603
312 922 5616 info@metroplanning.org

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Shaping a better, bolder, more equitable future for everyone

For more than 85 years, the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) has partnered with communities, businesses, and governments to unleash the greatness of the Chicago region. We believe that every neighborhood has promise, every community should be heard, and every person can thrive. To tackle the toughest urban planning and development challenges, we create collaborations that change perceptions, conversations—and the status quo. Read more about our work »

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