2015 Great Lakes Restoration Conference: Two Events with MPC - Metropolitan Planning Council

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2015 Great Lakes Restoration Conference: Two Events with MPC

September 30, 2015, 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This is a past event

Drake Hotel 
140 East Walton Place
Gold Coast room (lunch and plenary session only)

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MPC staff will be presenting on the Great Rivers Chicago initiative at the 2015 Great Lakes Restoration Conference during the lunch and plenary session (11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Later in the afternoon, MPC staff will embark on a boat tour (2:30 to 5 p.m.) with others to engage in a discussion about the South Branch of the Chicago River.

From spring 2015 to summer 2016, the City of Chicago and Metropolitan Planning Council, in partnership with Friends of the Chicago River and others, are reimagining our city's Calumet, Chicago and Des Plaines rivers and riverfronts. This initative brings together every stakeholder who uses or wishes to utilize the riverfronts of the City of Chicago for a comprehensive vision. The challenges and goals of this project are laid out for interested parties to glimpse into the future of Chicago’s overlooked assets.

Each year the Healing Our Waters—Great Lakes Coalition brings together a diverse group of more than 400 people from throughout the Great Lakes region to attend the Great Lakes Restoration Conference. The conference provides a three-day forum for participants to learn about important Great Lakes restoration issues, network at the largest annual gathering of Great Lakes supporters and activists and develop strategies to advance federal, regional and local restoration goals.

Participation in one or both of these sessions will require registration at the 2015 Great Lakes Restoration Conference. You can register for the conference here.

This page can be found online at http://archive.metroplanning.org/events/event/337

Metropolitan Planning Council 140 S. Dearborn St.
Suite 1400
Chicago, Ill. 60603
312 922 5616 info@metroplanning.org

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