Mica to hold 2/20 listening session in DuPage County on new federal transportation priorities - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Mica to hold 2/20 listening session in DuPage County on new federal transportation priorities

Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee John Mica (R-Fla.) will hold a listening session in the Chicago region this Sunday, Feb. 20, to learn more about metropolitan Chicago’s transportation challenges and needs.

The focus will be on priorities for reforming the national transportation funding process, new financing options, and how to make smarter investments to support our nation's — and region's — transportation networks. MPC and other representatives of the Transportation for America Illinois coalition will be at the listening session to share our goals for a new federal surface transportation package, which are summarized in this op-ed submitted to newspapers across the state.

Here are the latest details on the hearing:

Transportation listening session
Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011
1 to 3 p.m.
DuPage County Airport
The listening session will take place in one of the airport hangers.


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